ýrhc 451h ayisiversory oftihe marriage of Mr. and Mrs. 4*iton Schneider, 3025 Gleiview, road, obçerved"Sunday,, Novemnber. 21, twas the' occasion of a delight fui surprise staged ly their eght childrcia, fit'e datighters-ii-ittit and three soets-in-law, and participa'tid îinby Itwenty-ciphi , thi-hid c- h oldeui 01, whorn i Plouf 17. is not. often that after )d so miany sons and dau itted to gather i the o14 long. a trs arýe Where's Katie Raine: tions. .Rigid specificationls as to te quality of various ingredients is cou- stantly nintained. Ail matierials are the finest that money, cati buy. That these ,nm, thods resuht in products *of superior isuality and taste isevidenced by the fact' that the Salerno-Megowen plant;' though operating day.and night canniot produce enough crackers and biscuits to keep up with the demiand 1A number of north shore deàlers are conducting a special holiday week- end sale of Salerno products. 'IHBALTH ES Front Hendquerters, W141mette Healith Center. 9e5 Ridge Rond institute on rrav. Novenher :?0 the institute is revisinr many of it, reports to meet the recquirements 1 o the 'Unitedt States Public, IicaItl, Nursing. Children's bureau. The Health Center is onen dail~ f romi 9 a. m. to 4 p. m ni. onday- an-.d Fridav Mrs. Blics i-,ii Ar office alil the afternoon. Other davç her- office hiour is 1 to 2 p. mn.. except hy Spe- cial appointment. Mrs. -Bliss visted the ttuberculosis hosital at Oak Forest, Jîlinois. TuIe.. day. Mr.and Mrs. Marion 'l,.'Miller, 3122 Grceenleaf> avenue, and Mfrs. Miller's inother, %frs. J. H. Glass. Ireturned Tuesday a weck azo f rom, a rnotor. trip. 'to Uthe1>acific toast. They ivere awvay for six ek he of Whorj knows Katie Raine iy ? 1oes eanyone in Wilmette remember Katie inRainey? No use for newcomers to a scratch their heads ini an effort to rY stinmula te' inemory. for Katie Rainey, Ilifee ,h ie eeaaims if vrseIvdheea im re have li.ved here apprôximiately twen-; dinner had been disposed of the repaired to Wilmette Health r, where it went into session. sregular business meeting. The itiR registered nurses were ýS ora? Oueeu. Mihs L. Houston. North Shore A#cnt State Foras Mutual Auto los. Co. fhave me tell yOU how tht. continlaow, pùlicy plan Ai~,th. *ýtn-C.'mt usrvice. ,. Tel. Glencoe Id 250. eigi gaAL rireti ry-i - u above antd simiar ,questions. IThe _________________________reason being that incoming mail I20) Vears Ag broughit to the post office on No- I Neumer 9. 917veniber 12_ 1937 (the date is correct), SI> J en r , wa19t7 a postal card addressed as follows: eae1tth udv vnn Miss Katie Rainey, Wilniette, Cook