Howard Miller. Mrs. C.J.rugt. and Mrs. H. M. R-ose.ý -for m.w alue W. U» .*0ias st bM.riels h&.wqaso Arch or Tim.a l,,srwav*. I*,acure ......... 3 for 85C ~HALTHINEWS j Frein Headqus.rters. Wilmette HcaIth Conter, 905 Ridge Road Clinie Scedule Following is the 'conplete cliinic sciedle for thecomiing %week:- Tlîursday. L)eceinber 2- 9 to 12 a. mi.-St. Josephi's school dental clinic. Dr. F, Genster, Mliss R.ý H2ust,, R. p . clinic. adults and children, Dr. R. Hl. HendergsN. rs., Tuesday, Decexnber 7- .9 U ia, m, u lward-Logati sehools dental clinic. Dr. P. Bass. *Mrs. E. Stopka. R. N. 1 :30 to 4 :30..--Avoca school dental clinic. Dr. G. Cinniock. Mrs. 1il. Schultz, R. N. %\*dniesday. I)ccemhbcr 8- 9 to 12 a. nm.-Newý% Trier. lili school dental clinic. Dr. E. Christie. Mrs. 1. Bliss, R. N. *2to 4 p. in.-Infalt Weliarc cdinwi. At the conclusion oi the prograin. a banquet 1 was served tf, the eblidren and guests. the table decorations be)C isig'early Americau with. aThk- givifig motif. Il icnIligib'ti k~*iib"i (O'if'-Ne1w CurricnImam Feature andl,,irt. .1 d hor,.1~'tofoIi4i rThe activitv icil heuic ccasion opera stirS. sin p heir joint recital clraed i l ewfatr. h as h4 scod ea9 r of fic "His- curiculum. ecombilnilg the ceinents, î~r' n lnjonetiof,,Iisic,,, ot' tudy%. work that ib.>part. play, eo-l £erw$ cul. 3:30 o'elocl<.Çi*oday cuiter- cational training- maPnual training. jrojiý D .cemer4, ettheaiditi-fi and other pursuts designed to stim- thcatrc. Mr. Melchior iil open tlae iaetépplsiiijcadfai prograils withl a grout> of Sivedislh, hîmi to use both lhand aPd bralin.ii Xore pan sd Daitish son gs. n n sh. St. Joseph's> 11 tile C six Parocllial- schools ini the Mme.Retherg illsin cômosiitýls Chicago Uaeali which- it lias beci, Mme Rehbeg illsin cmp ,iti'sintroduced. -The %work is iunder di- by Caccini, Handel. Hacli, Brahnis. alid no îeprnedn Sse Wolf, and the two will sing the aria, r\,. ' - "Oas susse Lied verbialit," from I.ohcnl- i N lrt la. 0. S. È.. with Sister MI. grin to close the concert. They wil1 Peter ini charge oe th(- fourth grade. J~ p~çpe~ y te Unvcritycolegeand Sister NI. Florella anîd Sister NI ofNrhestern uiversity. iiCaM'f i he third ,grade. Tickets for tlie concerts arce(-)i sale Gtwst, irom ito-tw were the iRev. Statlev N.Sto-ia. assistatusuer at te bc ffic o!theAndi ~rurniltelndent of parochial schools i;n the theatre. Chîicagro iocese. and Sister NI. Archi -- jAngea.0. S. F.. botl i of(hicago. ,WdImen'n Bible Class1 Attractive Decorations The mnette beautifutlv dccorated, and furnishcd %witlî miniature iiirnitture and fittings MissNi. Buckley, R. N., sup)er- ithl.FI visor of nurses for Chicago Tuber-O. Ù. jolies. culosis institute. and Miss T. Yohnlke. -,Ambluhl, andJ assistant to Dr. Julius Novak, ini ing ail interesti ch.arge of skin testing, wýere at New This group a Trier High sclool Mondav to make at 9:30 in. the arrangeencts for the testing of church for a pupils. Thé skiai testing at Ma- Bible. Four 3 lin ckrodt Higb school was complet cd dore~ G. Soaris W onan s rooir unique study years ago, using ', 1.4~iîd and the log fine to ke Gorg e 1 i: cr s liting-blasts- The fin prear- were also specimens if the ioring Nork ni the children. I at the of tîhe Village Clerk Sets to . j Registration Ho ceep out ýreplacés hiandi-. SEALS I i, « QUART