tlyears tinere nave neen too. tew oppbortuniities for exhaustive congres- siotial debhate. At the saine tife, how- ever, une cannot faau to recognlize that thî.us far the Congress stemis tà be noving lin no definite direction. It appears to be torn between a desire to foflow its own wishes and a desire to %ati.-,;y.the,. White House. Wage-Heur Bih Styani.q Tiie Admjniistration's So - called WVage- Hour Bill is stili styniied iii the House Committet on Rules. Tht measure was reportedi favorably by the Comnittéeeon Labor at the lait sessýion.- But tht Ruli Ls conimi ttet, %whicl, controls the parliamcentary si!~ tion aand has the powver to grant or thhllold thte legisiative right-of- way lor reported bis, hl-as persistentlyj refused to report a mile for immaediate Cori srdrat ion aff the Wàine-T!or gflT1 14) ena>i cont rol so tflat cciv e jpt b1 kpi In order to cut off, a bitter filibuster against ah anti-lynching bill pending inthe senate, the Senate Agriculture omittee hastily put a farm bill into shape and sent it to the floor. A mo- tiôn was made for its inimediate con- sideration even before the cotumittee had written its explanatory report. In his Opening remarks on the subject the chairman of the Senate committee frankly stated that the bill was written under pressure and that'he was not entirely satisfied with al its features. The House Committet on Agricul- ture. has also been working _under pressure. It bas 'Made haste to draft a bill s0 that the House, leadership inay be relieved'of"the embarrassment oi having uno definite nitasure to cal iii for consideration. With. each day FORE VER Christmas tim onues, goos, oS no end. The ever.rcturnlng spirit of the, season once mère upon us rdfecte one of the strongest of our guidîng rides: to keep Momori&i Park a per. Petual Monumnent to boauty. A definite fnnd fro. ry salýe 4 et aside for this purpose. memorial Parký For in/ormation oeil Mr. Ed»pad je. Djyt1ùs UNlversity 4266 isures bulis LN NEWHOME o L iv q vïew