Sundays gamles were held M $ISokie playfiel(l, JIm street and ,Hibbard road, Winnetka. Nfild fali weather prevailed during. Trhurday.* Friday. and Saturday, b ut Sunda-s conchiding matches %wcre rmnof iii snow and bitter cold. Four Section* Four sectioiis of the country: the ftortheast. çenitered airound -Boston; the southteast, arotnd Philadeiphia; the Great Lakes. Pitt"sburgh and Cleveland, and the Midwest, Chicago, Ntilwauket:., and St. Louis, each sent t wo teamns. .I . h While the firs-t teani froni the south cast section won A four games, it played, no tournanient winner %vas rfficially name. - rS. Leal.i Officers tuf the Nu .rth. Shore ass,4-11î direct th ~red ~froin the Gle zAïo art, b arc Miss Lutcy-Jaiie liedburg of Ev- operatic >erfo aniston, presiden,t Miss -..Harret Leo- ad GreteI" ti niard of ine1a vice-president: Miss day' alternoon Nancy \V'aidner of Hubbard Woods, House by the' secretary; and Mrs. W. W. Washhurn, t*om>ianiy*and I Iigihland Park, treasutrer., national allied Pick Outstamnding PIayers TFhis is the first national tourlnaîniclt Monticello in which a first andI reserve teani Nwcru iý suit dlesigniated bhy tilt-seltuction c.smnIlit- ; 1plan]1 Wa. Experiment 60:3 The change fromi tean t o squad scec- 1i tiofl wtas tried as an experinient, this 'wl ycar, inasniticli as the United States wiiil îlot play a foreign country until 1939, "ý< when U. S. teamis ill Play in the Inu- ternational conference to bie held in t211IA froni OrtoIJw.- 12 *ta 20- "1 Ray Pho tc 'rice 1i>shai Kroner ie .childrcii4 groiqis Vncoe Public schools PotcP'i"i h ormance of "IJa,,sel. o lbe presé'îîd Suni- , the Cit'ic Opfera .Chieago CitY Opera 1Phi .1111Gamina. 1arts sorie! 't - U~Iap.a niluerable. run-dowia IeeJhg' George iruvin Rohrbough cloed your normal! uoymtent of the eseted 1 '%-Mrs. ;eOrgtt pffure of 11hc? Do jon ferl "woen- Sidenit of the Chicago as- out" and bitte? Are yen jittery? Yen' 'fie gliest-speaker mwilIl he ppteoo?'ouw4htfD of Owen kohde, ant alumina peiepo> urwghfalnoP o. Your pcp gone? Marly uch propIf icollege %vas fouided in hlave icotcred that MALVA2 bas :n ie irs erôlmet -aslit %wealh 1 of bracing. vitalizing ceqnts