Dance artists, have been arranged1 every- day. The .expositioil will open claily f romin,1 p. m. tob 10 p. and adisi.sion wiIllibe Iree. Thte Binie Flame disp v il] .c Saburday night. Ir wilI be ac operative 'venture offering -opport ity to A i anufacturers. cdealers aI avencies ii'sding. gas appliaÙces the area ' the Public Sur icc compau y to display bione CO V'eniences. The gas division of the Pub! Service coinpany bias superviçeda rangements for, the exhibition .ai the eyes of the entire gas inidusiq will be focused upon -thc cxposific it is expected, because of the nove] of tire presentation. Ail empfloye and faniilics of the Public Strvi, coimpwy- and idependen kal have been invited to attend as wt a% the general public to iearn wli 1938 bias to offer i the 'gas applianq field. for I)v the ',Public Service cornpany and be coopérating idependent' dealers, but n. 1tbe Evanàton show is on a larger scak thnmost and bas been ac- mitively ini preparation.for rnasy %weelcs. ro 1~ Some Peo pie Wil Tell Iou That the Suburbs Are Just Like C'hicago die ar- The Faubourg 'Ouilmette, as its :rv like clown town, except for the tal (), buildlings,. 01113' sometimies the fautna Ity that inhabit the Great Mfarsh to the -es est get a little out of baud. But ice that is anticipating the story. s i -céiiii fChat late 't e ic flér firjlit ]a - was wendinig home thi fuîll mnon, hie saw sonie sniall aniimal or' cat rust1ling a round ini the dry leaves heaped i n Sthe guitter. Billy Woods, expert xylophonist of the WL-S radio troupe, tis omouig the mia»> favorite's ho oppear :se.ri ivatrý.fre Plme sa*vwiii lirdy, i i -s frop ,t the that te final report on the meent membership cainpaign willIlbe macle by Mrs. Hill Blackett -at> this mneeting. Itp.t.LyOMIMr It bas been annountced. that there wiIl be brief reports by the officers and committee chairmen. AvoeiI be taken on the three amenclments to the by-laws, notice of which wvasý mailed bt members a mon th ago. Althotigh only paid-up meml>ers înay vote, ail past menibers and it,- others interestecl are invit.ecl 10at- tenid,,the club announces. Mrit. Vandeevrles Sp«el/, fAffer' discussion of what is ha tôr the club this year in tbe way of $work, and accomplishment, M rs. Ber-, nice. T. VanderVries will speak on -What Goes ont at Springfield." M*& . dwa4r .Ha-il, president ;of the club, believes that after the splen- did talk given by Wiîlliam Hard at an overflow meeting 'at Comniunity Ifouse last week, "We should go for- ward with renew.ed determination and i ope." bulk of the show will be ie botel balirooni, with vi nstrabions in bootlbs ras tewalls. Several, thoui music 1EXPO Edwin Mahle, 612 Lake avenue, plcdge of Beta Théta Pi frater- mDes G. Badger jr., 801 Forest me, is a Delta Tau Delta. il Rogers, 622 Central street, bas