* hnd work in th1e fieldin r whicbt their talents catiabc used to. the best advantage and aât the saute time supply local agen- cies wiîh dependable 1volunteer bel -" So far. volunteers have beenl placed in %such varied jobs as teffling-stories to. .chiildriee. typing reports. registering Pa- tients at élinics. driviupg convalescents. and many branches of clerical work. Therc are a àm:. mber of tinutsual open-1 i!îgs at I)retent fo r vi. ,lintcre. with Tmu. 'irai and'dramatic ability. Harmnica Teacher N medu<I .One of our agencies is seeking.afhar- monica, teacher to work with a group of play this instrument" Mrs. Grounds re- ports. "Thiere are also cails for musical- ly proficient volunteers to give piano lessous to sonie sniall childrenr VrolStteers with experIencein lgmit-~ ing and producing plays are needed by one of the welfare agencies to direct a. children's holiday production. Mrs. ' Grounds states. and also to coach an es-j tablisbed group of older boys and girl-. "We are also in, need of vohuinteers to,1 çupervise the play of a small group of 1 pre-school children one or more morn-, isa tweekç." Mrs. Grounds co'ntinues. îng social Sargent i v.orgaty.1 recting the western u th or 1 '-41141i Street. NOTICE-The Johni Charles Tholitai rrcital ut Nr'Trier auditorium lhas béen IPoSiPo*I4d Io ,Titridav igt.De4em? ber 7. 531 Legarél-Lov-Ing Phioto Roger Herbert Cush use»j, 739 Greeideaf avenue, Glencor, ha& /'Iedjed the Sigmia Nusocial f ratr- plity at Northiffstefrn stiieriti. Cushimt'n& as gradtiated front NeUw 11à'*er 1j sehool and ii *iou' a freshmnait in the college of libe ral arts. He is the soit of RaIp14 Dudley Cushmani. Tlsrec hundred thirty- erght sftdepts, msas of them frets- men, >Iedged 19 frateruiies at the oIiesing of! Northweserits :fa/is Wardub. Cames Hat end Sho. Bozus Zipper Sage Hartmwann, Trunl. blliPoids Mancure Sots 3ew4Cl ýs Dreeehg Cm Cigarette Cases Tie Cosee Evanston SO. WARASH AV& A ThalAre AIwayi AppreIof.d