Let un runove those telltai lines. b>Y the faions MarineOfo Mthod. As refregblflg as a week S~* et Mot Epre..... scNpàtU rtATtUNTrS A fi»5 salp .z.mimatib I MU exprt scalp speelallt wlIkl te »»e assrano. 4.ubli' sure. mest taxe etemsçt. Tou wlll like tbOflw@iket n talented operato>i. ua epls. ie every allurlng ', trait of 70W' hir ..... 1 A thle buiess lecX w--- tienwa adopted, delineatiiig Policies and practices for the organization in the future se that in-ceMing mem- bers andà officers lwetiid- have a guide to aid them in adhering net only te the national policies, but te local idéals in regard te Girl Scout activ- ities. Tbe committee who had drawn up the constitution was Mrs. A. Heerens, chairman, Miss Derothy Taylor, and Miss Elizabeth Busby. At discussion grotups it was agreed that the Christmnas plans for this year should be service programs rather than parties and troôp festiv- cf the every girl atenaing. Mo~~~ se "'q'* registéred at the New York office as a member ofGirl Scouts. It is hoped that we inay say. that of ail our troops-that every girl wbo enjoys scouting ini Wihnette is registered at the national office. To becone *a registered Girl Scout, a girl. must at- tend at least four meetings, pass ber tenderfoot tests, and satisfy the men-] bers of her troop that she will be a person we are proud te cail "Girl Scout." VISIT :DAUGAIERS Mr. andMrs. Warren A. Clough, 499 Drexel avenue, xlencoýe, visited their daughters, Constance and Patrice, ai Win Hae L.d Maria Matyas, opera star, w:l -ave the lead of 'Hansel, and Euàice Steen that'of Gretel, whilè Phi'Mu Gamma will direct the. singing and dancing sceties in which north shore, childreni are te talce part. Assisting with the children's scenes will be Evelyn Brown Corey* of the Evanston Public schools. a member cf the Northwesterfl scbool of speech facuîty; Mrs. Beatrice Per- bam Krone of. the Glencoe public schools, and Mrs. Frederick William Mueller, jr., who bas been working with the cbdldren of the Kenilworth public school. Following tbe performance the chiu- dren wlll have an opportunity to meet tbe artists at a reception,- and - Mrs. Muchler, the national president . f Phi 'Il Gamma, will receive at that SUITS -COATJS -DRESSES Ladies" or.,Mon s mu IusuvaasS d fer plan- e thiâ d wil I