607 Devis Street Ivansfe. n lmbef 0700 for givers The Chicago rugby teaug(t Ontarjo and Quebee (belote) ty a, High school, Inadian Hill, last i Staff Photo i .41-Stars of eld, Ne'w Trier .roivd of 2,000. - Sharmeer Thle Chicago * ~db.. A CLLCTO OF RARE GIPTS trom tar.m.way ImBu .. . per. teet for boudai gI8S.givint. Iluled &&r@braso..,pottery, lammoi, eioume, tm ob~ eyw. te., iet. Prives ua" suwrisImgIy ~II rntcd Mhe 6ie 3, aij JORJORIÀN -- Co 'l