by NIr. BuJiJIet. and ny class work'n paintis.g and4 sculpture. The Art Work shop .classes .meliet tch Thursdày and are glionsored by Çommùuniity Housc. Miss Clava Macè- g owani of the art departnit of Northwestieri university wiil be the guest -of honor at the meeting of the Thursday class oit Decemuber 9 an ai 8 o 'clock will lecture on "Aduit Art Education," showinig a collection of lier ilI paining<. , In addition 'tû tle talIk îlw class will painit as tisual. C idren laIn Art I )ettflhl)er 16, Cartoný Wasbiburnle, '.uI)rifltiendent of - the Winnetka, school.s.i i:10 lie prcselït.and will speak pu "Children's Art Work and Aduit Interpretation." Dinner is -served eachi Thursday nigt., and res- et-valions inust be made in advance ivi¶fr Mis each, 1114 Ash4nd ve- nue, Wilumette. The Faniily Niglit class coliducted Monday évenings by Miss Beach tisder the sponsorship of the Art league vvill have for its guest speaker Monday evening, Decemiber 6, Eliza- beth Wells Robertson, bead of art work in the Chicago sebools, and as- Sisting. lier will bc art teachers along the norîli shore. including Nancy v 4 1! r, LINI Demnie Photo jack Jeau.aiîîgs. soni of Mr. and Mrs. RalIh Jepinings, 126 Broud- ?~N miwm'Wilmeffr, Senior ai Newv Trier Hiqh school. treos#irer oif the. studeiit coupicil and capfain oif thc tracle tean». whô ygas drotw'd last Frida v thiuc on un oidinig at Rani. lakr nrar hInternational bl nedyN. and-SL GLOVES IN-, WOOL UEDE KID S Er.UINE Was~on." Max- painting and art work. The evc' is informiai and the members of group are to wear smocks. North shore artist and their f; lies. are to be guests of honor at meeting of the Family Nightc on December 13. Thes e grOups . 1 rf fnÉ Cfritst 1tfor& ithe class Branch in E I. The Iargest lai IMiddle West, a Imodern as welI, sided service to homes. For moi century Greatý -niorth shore. a quarter of a ii has served HALF SIZES For thge bard-to-fit-