Couity League of Wormen Votersý will b)e held Saturdav,' Decemnber 4i in 'the Red. Lacquer rooin of the, Palmner House. This program, willbe an ail day con- ferenice on, forci gn affaiTs at.- rangted by thedepartinent 'of goverimient and foreign Polic)'ý under the chairna nship. of Emily Taft Douglas wbo wil1 preside. The' ,morning session, atil- 1,O'Clock, w4dlt be a round, table discussion. on OfAmerican Foreign Police as It Con- Cern$ thie War ini Spain."' Those par- ticipatng in the round table will i- clude Heyward Kenistou, prof essor ton. 1December 10, Winnetka 1circle, o'dock, in . the honme of Mrs. Schaefer, 518 Rosewood avenue, W~ netka. Deceniber 10, Friendship circle o'clock, Mrs. A. Van Abel, servinfi home of Mis. E. Meyer, 695 Ril avenue, Evanston. December 14, Evening circle; oclock, in home of Mrs. John Rb lein, 892 Cherry street, Winnetka. December 16, Social cidce, 1 o'd< in the home of Mrs. H. F. Bitti 302: Seventeenth street, Wihinetté. December 20, Young Mothers', cI'e,ý 8 o'clock, ini the home of 1 John McLean, 1.522 Central avein Mlinette. Tells of Seoffend 120u1)ci on December 7, olficers and coin- 8 pniittee. chairmnen of the Junior>iliary of t.he, Witnetka Womn- au 's clubwillcomplete arrange- 8 niients for the, travel talk to 4e giveli at the club the- following evei lg by Eduardo Hellhnuind. M rs. . Howard Green', philànthropy 8 échairman of the atxiliary. will report on ticket sales. With the club presi- dent. is. William G--. Cuminings, the firsi> vice-president andi evening so- ner, cial ch.irman,, Mrs. Robert FE. Wal- lace. andi the press.chairman, Urs. Frederic C. Wood, Mrs. GCrectii has, ërs. _ý ciei lnnn'ti far nue. Ca rlo» foh th e benefit nE the- auxiiays fiduardo IIeilim.,iiti ill git'e a, charty fund. lectitrc on <'BonYScelandd ond Mr. Hellmund, whoge wife hs the J4J E) QJ4 I ,*î4 qand i,~ former Miss Eleanor Berger of Ken- livdd andILa Belle 'Fral«iceéh e- ilWOdli, wîllleture -on and' sl1ôw tra Iedby olr novpmPihirs, W colored motion pctures of uflonnie îraed y çolr ,orIy/>itnes.<' Scotland andi Jolly Old. Englanti" andi ic ie itpetka liWosiiteis A1l, 'pt"A of "Switzerland and ,La Belle ,' <clock Wednesday eve.,ieig, Deceili- Franice." Descendant of a long line ber 8, wader anspices #) ic tiijl"ï,iv of Spanish grandees, the Marqueses .,,s.iliarv of teuic l wi . ifc i.*jie de la Torre Isabel, Eduardo Hell- o! lschail iud..iJ. h'lmu nund was bort, i Venezuela; andi of ts har1Y 101i.JIr 11llenoii as taken as a child to Paris. After r is world îrai'cler, frct»ru'r. radù graduating at the Sorbonne, he studi- speaker, an>d tavl ditor. cd at Oxford universlty, andi, at the of Burns' Country i, t Fratnk j ohntoile.exchalg -Win teachier f ront Avr acadenîiv il SI Ayr, Scotlanid, now On the factul- tv of the Eliglishi depariiient ofth ýuation some yý is attended the the Institute 0 Zity andi Chicago. He r of the Kansas City md broadcastz ae "the ian." Scottisbi picture. Mr. take his guests by, arnd tally-lio ihrough ylens of the Trossachs. WILMBTTE LIFE -A----