Ili g chaiged t - dialogue, but ail 0-f i c"*"e' Charlotte Mei the best kniown arias remaining.. Zackerman, Lois Luck, IR Fainifiar to alrnost every childis fa;ngerbread Chiltiren - 1 the îtory of the îwo children -drivet% Greta Ann Kaiseër, Susazi b3 teirmothr'sange mbthe or- Annette Leipsiger, Bettý by teirmoteFs nge ino* te fr- Mary E. Roberts,. Joyce, est. Huwgrv and frigbtened v.ecr% e -h o noise -inith e wods,:they finalbly lu'Act JI-The For asiCeir. The iîext rnortning they awake c * aIStdetsoflkcs-W to find ; hlernst:lves in front -of a The cblldren's Ipiays arn -Cottage 1mnade of cake and candy,, sur' proiects of the lNa>s and rouiacb.<l by a gingerbread hedge. They iite.of which Mrs. H. begiii to nibhbleat the bouse, î% îich tdren>. aiktantzi areje 15 owîî'ecl by an old witcb who makesi door. Tcesna .s prisoer(if theinboth, deterrninied to bak't theni ini the oren for lier. dîiner. The scttings of 'S-ansel and Grete" hrhPaf oa inéludé the poor but of their îather, 7-a lbrooui.4tiçk nmaker, and the bizarreh The %Vomati's society e cottage' . of. the witcb, with its door- mette English Lutheran wvay oi peppermint sticks>, raisins o11lîoid its annuiial christý ail the gables, and a pluin pud4ding Thurs4ay, aftrno,..Dec for 'a %%iiîîdow sill. A chortis of trees 2 o'clock, ini the interest c and rut.shroonîs. and the gingerbread ousa orphanage. Mrs. Fr childrert who corne alive,. add to the bas arranged a very fing fanta s3 of the scenes. "Christmas Celebated 'in M~ Arinoîu. tt e asb of "H-ansel aiid With Mord and Song." 1 Grettei* aretitwo professional singers, willbe Mrs. J. H. }Iopp, Elea!ior I.uittan and Jimmsy fHutch- Fi,ç, Mrs. J. Dressier. and ison. ivito was heard recenbly iii a J Mittendorif. l'le party is Barry Alper,I hne WiVltýacre,' ty A.Mal, SWalterm. 0 otase liard Andelin le one Ofthe 1means; Coin- P.. ]Rlnghoim, n te ailcliii- cured at the oif the WVil- churcb wil tmas partv 151Shoon Avenue vaso ,l th e p ao e 5 UulvsraiDy 2268 KELLER CAMERA SHOP EXCLUSI VELY PIIOTOGRA PIC ses DAVIS ST, oftINmm% A VI.,EVANSTON -UNIvmnft8W &I.k o.afu.urpb.ogn«,h.r happy wHh son omera soMu suESTIONS* LXVIUl EXPOSUIRE NESTER for SURl and tovie Work ....0.1 UNIVEESAL FILE CIIEST, bolde 1800 filme, 35 mmn to 3x...01 LUCT STNCHUOMî5Ea wlth attachment%~ complet. . ..e P-4 ADMJSTADLE bEVELOPING TANK, 36 in. to 114 aise ......$&U 0190UND> GLASS FOCiJSINU CAMERdA .........* . . 9a OTRE CAMERAS, box, vent pooket and anni........ ..... $Uo EVRVI&NWAD CASES for Miniature Cameras...... ....... ..$L K Perfection w m g in Miuk c ci tr s p o r àe d f ree Fc h a ge