ioned the dresses of the attend- anuts i I-he- wedding party 6f Miss 4,Elizableth Pearl' Barker, dpughter of Fred A. Barker, 431 Eightli street, and E-dwNNard Fred-. erick'%Vasmund, Jr., son ofMr and Nlrs», Edward F redcrick Wasiiîuid of Evanston, wbo. were mnarried on Thankgiving eve,. The ceremony was perfornied ,at: 8:30 ocelock in- the chapel of the First Methodist church of ýEvaltston by the Rev. Amnos Thoirnburg o-f the WMinete Parish Methodist çhurch. an ai*-wtite. ting .of t4e P-a4d~ atar bouquets of white flowers fornît- ing a background for the service. NWhite also was the color schieine lor the bridai table at Shawnee Couit- try club' where the reception wa.s field, large baskets of crysanthe- munis and otlier faîl flowers being placed at either end of the receiving a halo of braided sau was also attached ù and' sle carried a5 roses, gardenias, ai pea s. Except for 'short absence of a trai flin. Ai face veit to the halo cap, shower of wvhite i(I white sweet slcc%-es anîd the the attedaî,ts, nue, Wilmctte, announice the ap- proaching inarria'ge of tlieir daughter, Ruth,:to A. Patl Leis- ner, Sont of Mri and Mrm. Paul W.ý Leisner of Evanston.. The ceremiony viI1 take place Ti s Ilday, December '23, at 4:30. Ilo'clock at Saint M.Nark"s !Kis*o- pal church in rEvansto'n and W'ill * e followed by a rcception for the immediate familles at ,the * Georgian.. The Rev. Robert Holine . an OlId îriend of the brjidegroorns itnnl3'. wili read the service assisted. by the Rev.' Haroid I.. Bowcu i, rector 4(4 St. M ark's. 'j in ,s WIU De E. lmn L. Prizer, and Henry man and Turner. P. Ho- Barber.e fthe yout,- and acolytc. Orange blossonts edged weddiftg goten worn by Mi, Barker, 431 lUighth street,z JVoasimuid, Jr., sou of M1r.a toit, Tha»kegiving et'e. .4 fa a halo band of satin., The, .lieliodisl chuirch of Etutitsl at Slaawneecotr club. A ýran ,da«.rd Prder a veil the len.q ook place ian rade wili b it iii 1-vait;- those who wiIl cone f rom n for the wedding will 'be- Mrs. E. F. Potthoif oi n, and their two srnali sotiý,. nd Robert. Mrs. Pothiff WILNIETTE LAPE