13100M Photo Mkiss Rutlh Drayer of Wihneite wil! beconethe' bride of A. Paul Leisizer of1IEvcusto& TIuisday alter-' néon5, Decenaber 23, at 4:30 oclocie, in; St. Mfark's church in EIvanstopi. A receptiom for only the fint,~ivwe iv1ld.$ till follo' ai flheGeorg,îaeII Corden-CIL Have Yul. Fridl5y ,A tonS in bc for the i Omilf-P""grms in -HoIild.ys The hiorticultural departmnent of flik Kenilworth Garden club. which lho1d, monthly meetings during the fali ani winter, is onitting ail progranis dur- ing the inontis of December and Jui- I uary.- -Wil 1 Foa -ilmout$1000oeyu fiuéproble, during dt.he hardous Hldyfsiiis «FIG URA T! VELY SPBAN7NG' NOV IS TUE TIME rO lS PREPARD EDYTH DIEDRICH9S IelthuiA/--Econ.mticil - Guar<uuteed 1700 Central St. Evatiston , Davis Y. ut gifs frw ToIini UISh.p Winb la.Won s.Infed. .lfracflimly peçisti end ..psIf »mvlced. "If came frona The CetialS4p..' Leu P'u tnainl. The I)eubr ;(-Ëiiietting is alwva3, a festivv .onv. and an attractive îIlustratvd prograinihas been ar- ranged for ilht meeting by M-rs. A. C.; YoDungbecr. Th'lic ubject is *"Travel Picttires." Mrs. \V. A. Kcndrick i the club's prograni chàîrmlanl. Cnob with sterlng mono- iluding monogram .S .ey Chain of band wrought Hoiders of Swedish Orre- hft Sterlung Pin ..