niUr iciàîg dU ed 00 prIn 0, dresser, client, n chr.lnoe3. 1711LTN3-t ,JUNiort BEI), COMPLÈ~TE VUHE81T, -* dresser, chair, desk. Ivory tlnià4h, ex- cellent condition. $45. front $250j.lVin- netka 1556. I 71ITN30-1tip 6- DINING CHAIRS ANÇD TAýBLE, IN excellent condition. Wilinette. 4237. 171LTN3O-1 p .,to acumq9n AND ETaiTU 13ARRINGTON 37Minui1tes to the 1poop ýAeUene, LeéIireir FOR SALE .,$25 P rAc --%PPItOX. 68 ACRESB, 4 MIL.ES S. W. of Barrington. Fxcellent buy. $19,000 100 acres high, rolling, a mie N. of Barrington. Smll new house, deep well, qeverad fine building sites. 187 A CREFS. 8 A CREH woods and piasturem. 14ive streni.. Mdem hïeus. 4 bed- ro,2 lbattis, ' il heat. Horst. barn' 2Ox50 ft. liai ry lar, 30xM0, stanichinnis for i4 eoWe. Ilog bouse. Chiek.,. botase4. Vorn cl-cnrete stav >411. Eleetri in'M Il buildinus. -Nilking machine. Priée $12i' an acre. WII111eWI 30 head of e uttie wt 5 onsof tnilk liame for additlonal $250.À good ftarrn with butildîings andl land ln good eoîîdtlti. ~~YATTl & COONS Rnd('Ilnview 81 1641.TN3-lie Mtust Be .Sold Close ail Estate U-O-ACRE DAIRV FAIZtf 'N cernient highwaty withiai 160 milies of Chicagko ln McHenrycony Improvements fair. 76 acres in an acre. Haif cash. .1, B. UtIey. 516 "avis si Rog. Plk. 1727 Univ'ersit.y 9500 1641TN3ý0-1te 172 WWD. lTO UY--HBNLO. 00000 CASH FOR'YOIUU US1ED FIRNITIRItý. i j JuJ11' iLi4c1 i ..Juo UU141I WILLBUY YOUR BOO<KS, MAGA- zines,, papers, rags, furniture and pay best market prices. Call i WI.,54Z6ý or Wî1i. 481. 174LTN27-4tp BOOKS IWE WILL BUY YOLJR:BOOKS. ALSO private libraries. WiII cLll. 1 74LTN2"-tp VILLAGE OF WILMETTE' *Pursuant to direction of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette. Illinois, I, Harry W. M4iller,- Treasurer of the Village of Willrette, IIL, willI iake a pro-rata payment on special assesmment bonds of the Village 'f W»- metteIlîlinois (Cook County>, mtturing December 31, 1938, December. 31, 1939, becember 31 194; and Decenmber 31. ,1941. Payment ..will be* made through thé Wllmette State Bank, Wtilmette, Ill., or by the Treasurer, Villagef1lail, Wilmette, lit.. to who<n bonds should he forwarded for collection and endfor.sement tof the. g corne t., 138 iiues thec bevretary now Icno w wiat the surplus of corn will be by the, end of 1938? -If lie does, ive ail. wouid like an official and,'athtoritative answer. On 'the other bhand, as an agiul-ý turist and amateur gardener, 1 may guessthat our farmerswill raÎse corn crop surpinses for i1 years out ofthe- next 15 years. After ,the end of the, il years di abuindance, what wil the Se'ýcretary do with the immense accumuiated *sur- pluses? Who wiIl have ýto p)ayr for ail the warehouses, deterioration, stor- age WiII non-elective bureaucrats dispose of the ii-year' surplus and how?. And, most'important, who pays the inevitable- losses? The answver is the consumner andi taxpayer. ý-ug NEW BOOKS Many Recent Volumes of Fiction Added to Library Sheives Agreat many mew 1bqoks .liave beci: added to thie shcelves of thle ýviIrnettt,' public ibrary. There is sonièthing fo)r every taste-li.tior, historient r' 'matuck- realisin. adventurotus travelI. narrt-iit ai, .iac rem Sutton- Rd. îîer ('0t)tllb ine Rd. Oui>' $1 :>I)per acre. 4)--acre estate poet il farînbouse. 1Unustially lgh and s'lltng.- One mile west of Ba- rington }Bills ('ountry ('luit. 'Il acreq comrnanding view tr' entire ùountry8ide,. hoice liien- ,ion. On ultra fine parcel in- uluding bldgs. Suiiallé <o t laîild. M-I1A, PAY $5 FOR B-A in i nd conditidbn. K N4. ! Ili %r Sfluffl, , De la lIii lU %1w ~ ~TU1lN.;DEC. 1, 190 tii arnson, A. . . by D. r Iîl er <Cnt 4b< Night Over Mexico,. 1;y Dokwnir 1r.0 at.I ncutThis Is Petra, lhy Dungan. If 1' ls t.I4oiids .ITo Hec <urselves. hy Field. 7 G (arden of Adonis. Iy tiordqptI. lIt >M>.- MIAil *INSI U.31., 1941 Hghland River, b: *uîuîî,î Hpet'er Cent of The Chute, hy filUper. .~ssnIe,îPré) Rata PayInert l'lt- Elleily (il.b% l.: ;è ar 2 7 10N~i fo* i>p c b M M1ilcr. ~ .1937Tr& IlHrse. lby Morley- IIARY W .'.J. It, Tisurer Fatmine, by O'Plaherty. Village '>f iimelttte. ill. Swift Waters, b>' Parmieuter. So Great a Man, b>' Pilgrirn.. .NOtbiCE OP AUCTION SALE The Green Grap, by RJatel. i 1