~,1itz~s~atacke tvma features of tiltplan Objctios tasedinccltled, assertions Illîat it %wouid be unwje t participai iii f c d e r a 1 spendini througlh wluch tihe village. hopes to obtaîini nlaterial aid. that the iletblod -Of raising the o; revenues, b3, a fer on tht wvatcr bis, is iiititta)le ;'tihai reveIuc bondls art~ not nlarketaI)Je at prtsenj, ; thlat tihere s is o ieed for h inhi)rov:L.niett iii ilnally)art, of th(. comîaî111t%,: alnd that md ividuai honlse - iiolders, aàt far les., expense, anlav in 1- SýtaiI de.vicecé,liat %would prote ct base, met ls ir< iî,- tlo.tdiing liiring~hev May Force Villagef Prc À it. piai ttnterv'I 1 witilistateînei15 that tilt .$'aiitarv dis-1 tric i of Chicago laN vsooli forcetilt ~'iia~ bstoj> dumnpinigstorin Nwater *'Mo tii . a hu 1 1;111tih etter amarket lor bonds lè ic tr~uiu inof fiht speci. as- * Fesýsn.;t-lt Ivpe :and tiat backing upoi t sanitarx- scvuvrs into Iastnntits .1ic ilughIv d gru odto. A:nong tot -î< pokte on variolu Nc itspec(t.s oithe wsutject wr. ih 1*111~ Prsiun arr 1'. fHarrison. 30}7 Ab- 111 t)otsior<I roacl; 'Iruistüc, HFftratiî .RI * .4nu.ûllv of th linest fiaw i risi- nias coilcerts 1(p br heurd on the nof.rth siiore. tte,<'arli /ara lace (4, tir'. otlz'cgnlluVgrat cat'ýil achi r, anîder thiar direclii o! Ma.r . oil, wilI ili,:ÇCIaSI)I b;, 'heurd i la,1wif Inel Paris h .iltiai E hp i s c o pa 1 ciarch, IUcdagcso u'viing, Deceasaber (L -app vre ativeýs of Grceeyancj ÎÎalisol. vit- Iowiig if gilncerilg firin which p)resclntethetlt weeks al plan after rnai nionîî11.o *ubiork, and dicate tI of Chapinani and 'Cutier, laiv firm its reput specializiagii n itmunicipal tfIlavacitlg blended probleins. .1pretatioi irst dirt J 1W WL'à c and. qualnry oxwinter- ourided bl>dttchoir's *thle-- late Peter Cliris- $19.73