For athe Shirts Ties ' loires Scarfs -a nShoes Sippers - Rubbrs D.iII Folds -Handkerchiefs Pajamas Sweaters - Hose Mouflers Garters - Suspenders. Vo? the aii. Scarf Sets Mitens- Gloires Dresses - Suiti - Shee -Slippers 2Galoshes - Sieepers - Pajanias. Fe modi* adDaughte Dresfss Aprons Hôsiery Lingerie Gloves - Scarfe' Slipper&s. Shoes - Galoslhes - Hand- kerchiefs -Swveaters - Perfuines. M ~ 1193 WI.ft. Ave. BDEPARYMENT STORE WiUmette 1914 IThe. Moudern, Elertriral Wav * tup Dy the :ute, under wi *sly as-stred." What Seais DO ri!stnas seal salie.s," urte B. ~ci.êx~'Iiv r, hé. emlber of the Sc will get the id s0 that the Seal sale will jeopardy and id Mr~. ...~f. ,r 1. I P Il 'I Is: 'sie of Ci tohich oc1' I