JIes who are to be he wir Iiost's durlilig 11w (Iav. Fan1w îihing to play ho>st lu .0ficor mort childreu oit hrisîniaNs day arc itimvted l toctisuit the a p- p)Cfde< is11,()f ïprospective guesî -ai il conîmnl-utulîCate at carliest coIlvenlencc %witlî ir L R. i.I-askin, \ih ite 700-MI, who %vlifi1 make the arran1ge- Nurnle Age Nain e .ge D)ors Arnold 1,07Itose Kramw1t.rg 1~ 1>imbIl 1<rrylhiI1 6 $t >serrKimbe .7I I11etty Ble fst il ,"mfrLag Pa'ul i ooth -12. field A1,îrBuhmi 7I 'unil. nLbrt 1,11111 Miller 14 .A nilta I; II It t I>auîilllon)th 12: D)ati Lucas 9*e 'u4ffllCiit '< 10 'Alive %l;výhburv ' S 01r('ýsCeelà a <1 MnfellI <14*ria Com 10ev Eclwin Miller 1; .14 a n(",ir4* ' rma Lee Pa. I Th'uîas ru~,.I1~. hirle' Mae hihard ~<w~l7 Pa:tilugyi S Weston E. Butz Dies After Long Iliess XVrsî on ldward Blitz. 702 lWash-i I lton vm.c \lmct.passe< Ial a i T Il t, Mla (f tl!is ~t St. Franîcis Ilopitl li Eaui'.tii.aftcr a long ii- Natmi lleEe . Albert 'et- 12 fielId REGISTRATION DEADLINE NOW NEAR AT ]RAND. Voters Given Further Oppor» tunity to Register,, Leader Points Out iHemmirv A. Gardiicr of \%Vimmmetka, Re-: Nev -rier tow~nshiip, cails h t tenionultimose voters vo failed tg, 'kpse li the ïjvrpiiglieint.rcgisratioii> i f fkli lute lariot.s preecits oitSep- teniber 27 and Octobür 5. that imless t1icv arc se registere(I they cainiol votem 11M i)riing's p.rimniary elec- l ns r iii the regular ccleste, h dleow. Heweer.Mr. L'ardiier adds. fmrthur eppertnît kgiven' hv law te tthese 'wh <lid fot regýistur bo i heset dates. !)y providing thlat tlîev inay register F'OR '4hop fretting a n 41 bîiti vour siails. yniI in<Iju. Ille -giltHE wanis ut BURNS TOGGERY SHI *RTS Git;iV h Imn t4)> of, AIto0mla .1-'.. tour \-cars ago. Fîmnieratl services wviI1 1e lis-hi this 'JîIirsday ;afternlomti at 2 :30 atI the ulaîwCI cf the First NMethcodistEi- copal chutrçhi, Ev1anisîcu. He is suir- vîved 1w bis vdow : bh h kparent., NI r. andMiIrs. Eillil G. Bitz: bv a sîser.l)coth.-~alnd hy a brotheri. Sidney, of Charlottc. N. C. It sheuld flt be îîccessarv, M r. G;ardner statedl. le have te Urge voIci-s lu register. 'ruîè3-shotld he cager tu get Itheir naines on the permanent relis. becatise unîess tbey do tlhey positively ilî fot be eligible to cas'î '7j 's '2 10 $3 OUR