in the 100 yard breast,' stroke. He lifiliedC( second to Tred tieoiscll. local ace. T he laîter's tinfe of 1 :09.4 cracked, bis own- state--record of I :09.6, set ini Ille s.ame Pool last ycar. Tle' fré.shman-sopboniore comnpe- tîtion profduced similar restit.s. Roose- velt's D. M eiers grahhed a ttwo-spot ini the .50-yard baek strokCe. Co-CaP-7 ,taiin,.entlett eased through the water in 41 seconds to set iup a n ark for the î5 iard frce st%,le. Thtis lit- erally shatteýred the. former record, 42.6 seconds, beld hy. Johil Clark of ew% Trier, wh'o hung: up that tihne The nedley relay t'rio, jolin. \Viese, Ai Cobb, and Beninett, clipped O.8 oi a second f rom the 1 :31.8 mark wihicli another Trevian grou adie a ya ago. FIoah-Soplh 200 yard relay-1. New Trivzi 4 Balley; Ci innng, Bail, Joflel). Timie 1:4 50-yard Ibretststrok-1, Coniti(NT), 50-yard free b.tyf-l. %renary (N,) Lî;>îaiott(NT), .3. Eiill'art <(R. : 27.5. 5yad baekstroke-l. J. We. (NT. 2. D.lelers (R), 3. Welimtyer .(>NT). .9muIIify MEATS gi af LOWPie etoudr amui JÉM7 Ii RIO ROAST of SIF.... STANDING RIB ROAST BIEF... St#igllg Robh #408 . . t e e e e e No Boe#e e Wante #th and 111 * RIUS lb (J. Wies, Cobb, Bennett). Tinwe 1:31. #Ntw recordl-old record, sut by New Trier iast year, I1:31.8.) i'arslty 200-yard relay-1. New Trier W- nîond, Ellis, Clark, Oatis). Miane 1:44,2. 100-yard brietststrokte - 1. Hew-ichel (NT), 2. Johnson (Rt),-3. Klngery (NT). 'rime 1:09.4. (ew eeo(rdL-old. record, also to act as escort to visiting digni. taries at Culver. *Membership in the organization iý iinited and cadets are selected on t basis of being outstanding. Nt. onh Colorado Red Idaho. TOEFU.USHROOMS -Chires or Fanc3 IFancy, ceeamy, white a 200e uttOuli ......1-1b. box35 ufl.tsioflflItuLLF ini maaly impo: lb. 39C. 27<- csent t it cerc ', 1,