These concerts have' beeîn incrras - I.iJ L5I~I I igly enjoyable as the- years hv Arden Shore Boys Camp Invited te passed and on-this anniversary ccca -Enjoô christmsDneutG t sion an exceptionally finelperform- Lkes StationI ance miay be anticipated.I It ivas flot until' 1916 that musie was:,taken seriously enough b the There!sge reocn t Arden scholauhortis o cilfo th e -Shore . these days, thanks, tô,' the ,,ccý61 athoitis, o cll or.of Adm, ýIraaeFIi plov ment of .even one- fulil ime 111 -Meflrosit f:AmrlHyeEl structor. TIn preparing for that ycar% commandant of the Great LakeiNàÇatj %vork. it was decieded> to e .stabli .b l!'Iraiing station, and bis staff. The a musical departniient and4 floiner -F boyes at Winter camp (forty just. now,I Cotton- was engaged to devellop it. th oraringntenxtwec Neer R crso) bave been invited to- have The oliy o th ne intrutorChristmas dinner at the naval sta-' ýTheýpoliy' o the ew iàtru torion, and they are ail lookîng forward was. clearly indicated by bis responsle u'the paty as one of the higli spots to the- inquirv, as to wvhether habcOfthie wilnter. would prefer to have music made aJ reqntired subject of studya. H e prompt-. Mrs. B. J. Harnîs of Libertyvilie ly answered that if it wvere he would took on the role of an early bird niotaccept the position. Santa Claus at Ardeni Shorethis year,J 1~pefitttffi unt grft -of evefg1eene GUPFTS for, fhos. Whow Womenis Riding coats, front Wonien's Riding Breeches mnd Jodhpurs, from S3.98. Women's Calfskin Riding Boots and Jodhpur Boots from S&95. correct q~iiiiiiApparel- 1end Ac- eoioriea for 1EvorgOne. *IPTS for wiuter ýsports ..enthusiaitt .1 Womews AII-Wool Ski suit» in contrasting'solid shades, l19. - Otàera $7.95 %ptoar ,WomeWs Waterproof Ski Boots, SS. Women's Sucde Jackets front FIauxel Shirt., Knte .0 t seart nets, <intact, .'tO.Ls%0 oomplete joôur oiitpt. BAILEYSIN«* students tliat would be arou entered uponh beenl the rulîi nient to the )rt Wf NMr. Cottoni in the çprng cl and courageoue Cotton became and, stilliis the di- 7 rector of the musical department ofhief amonj the scbool. cWefarsoej Iv#g'Staf gao shess The poflcy of "attracton" so em- tuelst tw s phaticallv emphasized bv MNr. Cot- mhenal t w ton has been persi-tently f ollowed martilunr and the, departmerit haq steadily de- dnto ----------------- -