k now New Decernber ien timrefo u, Chriaaslco rwogrupsina prograrn of 7r! 1 ascarols and schooi SonIgs. <~v a imember of Pi Kappa Alp a it_ i ernify, i iii ead the conîbiîi.<i gr froôm tlue fraternity house first t bh ýEatiston hospital. 1 At each institution f the o~aî h i e. the- same. AChiîstnî~ ac in uniison-, followed by.cd ~-u0 omwn favorite sororitv or fraterti' > _________________song. Thien Love Will sing a .' I oloed hv thé familiar iin gleX(. as te sîngersiceave. iFrotn the EVanston lhosp)ital tIIý will Inotor to south E%-aiiston tO II. 1St. Francis hospital. After repeatIInI S tbe> sopgs. they W.ill rnotor tO llox- ard and WVestern to sing at the c Jirchl- %vood Park sanitariumn., ThelaItter institution lias promised the ~rui -coffee and doughnuts before. the ci- Jjlege students retuiriu ib flicNrl IThe Alpha Gamma Delta, girls â7( jpracticing under the direction (oi fer Double Chir. West. .. . . . . ... . . . . $ l e u road. Chicago, while Don Rahn. in 0netka, is directing the Pi Ka;p Alpha group. Skyrocket Now Under New Management Leonge Ov@ture No. 3. Vienne Philbavmonle Orchestra. M359 .. ............. ..$.50 Sonate lus B Fiat Major (Ham>. 'nerkinvi.r.) Artuu, Scéabel. M403 *.....** ..........*$12M0 *Under the same management art the Chàteau ballroom. Broadway an(] Giace street, Chicago, and the Park Casino, Madison street and Hatnlin avenue. also in Chicago. Emphasized will be fine. food, danc- ing, and entertainnent. Mr, Ander- son said, and reserirations for N'ew Year's eve parties are being taken. I t. i t,. 't. 1 1 -a 1 1