vtktdeii te ilag. Mtoat' hc h ujct Of Christ- Smith of Kanas City, who came es- approriate is the prograln lmas lias heen treatedl. 'Hazel B3ell pecially, for the occasion, and return- h s rOpIat ei'< Rsk a wel ftte todo htsas he cclthe, following .morninig, and Mrs. F. wie as eupane yteis accomplishecl in thc fietd of art an I jA. Gritzn:ier. of Hess Lâak. Miclh. clubs music depr îiaftil painting. .Ili !1936 a Chicago jury prga 0 f ChrËiStIIua-s nîusic aw.1idd lier first prize and a blu'e suwv 1b flie choir (ÀfS.Mr' ribbOnl for ail oi painting in -a Nortit IShore Art leagte, exhibit. EPIncqqp,1lchtrch, Evalstoni. ne of ue uttanin oranZ"toî Previ u Iv Mr'. Risk lias- i en of li olt--.taidi,(ý, r*Ili-'io i) ýrograms for'the Wilmcette Baptist' (4,,kindontenrh ioe. 'îrç. andi the WVonal's societv is Iirt% v fi~e cked nie&'s anxd l>V Inticipat inghain e gain wt wiIl he lheard. uýn(er thte <il-,, leasur.. A large attendance' is ex- L., t Id' i tStaunhy N rincoruatr ected. a(I orgai it. The cchoir uiapîa. .,cholisicarz t .n as uNual. inii urllcc"sanid there -,ilI ;uitl is, to be servcd. at. 1 o'clock Ili-: Ibc ail*. 'rgaiii Mauclhll eit t lor'.u'% .t71 . 12 :31 as îreviotu-.lv pane 1eu iv.hirt'sare bun îan.J 1 s;91 ver it 1n ilir spIit ()f the sca4on ilese T! aprgram i au&l at .trikitli. To Read Christmaes toiichurs Oi the club. Il \V11icl Wîî'k f*Ory kor' Socityi tradit josai as well as nioderît L tro alitlwins and two sclections iro'nlîl I eirv Van Dyke's storv, -"lie 1 J auef \I essiah" iiih le spinit iiOthui XVise Niati," %vill bttc rad b1w Chrsons.ini which WVilliainî l' n t.r Rex 1-ltoni Fair for the pro-, hatchet, teilor. of Viln ette, vî1l sIg raintof ithe ýoîîn' ocietv 'oi thè j a >olo Jpart. 'Fic rece ssÎinl ýil \ Fn.bu First Preshv)%teriail chutrch onTe-i tluc undvlling "Adeste Fde Ts' I 1u lt. da. I )cenîber 14. This w:i11lie the pio-rain w~il ttc sulig ii I-t. ic lain societv'%regiîlar meetinig ith >.%C-1 audlitoriumi of thc club at Te'nth %tirct t ng at 10 èc)clock, iii thle Imori ning l an< Grunlaf veuebegnni~ a 2charge of $pokes 1V and V\. iunch- o dock ai the afternoon ; anild t, (,(,11 %01 be served bv 'Sooke IL. <i.U1 ".*ý~Yu heel) rUemoniH5i mLe si ('.uIsItT, May I'ê.dee lia :f,. rwntdare tirged t .Ai-E.~.y aIkey lal B (Pront l'h' Mesidah) WiIiaiii îlt.ih.teloet, tenfqP îurIGu.sf of Honor luu)ýd ing Wn~a Tradiltiotial Car- M r. anmd Mrs. Ca Goj1ltqt You Mlerry, N 1r -S. Zeiss' mottiVe drSI ditiÈîWaI <arsdns i-. -é #1,- 'viii eV greatly cliirch andi théir to bc presvnt. *H. Zeiês aznd Airs. Charles .I.- L er )rM. w- formphon.ý rate. New