e friCndsý and relatives. Mrs. Margaret Paul of Dorechester. assisted Itht bride as matron of honor and Miss.' Mary Miller of Evans-ton -%vas her cousin's bridesmald. The flower girl was littie Donna May of kWilmette. Frankc Ma>, of Wilmette served his cousin as best mn.t with Amfong tht outr>of-town'guests wet'e the bride's parents, and tht Misses: Frances. Regina and Dolores Sauer of Miediord, Wis; George Ackeret of Medford, Edward Westermeier of Stetsonville, Wis., Miss Irene Baier- fnd and1 Edward Warner of Dor- c hes5t er. OCCUY carsat the cnzarens ward i n the -,a= ton hosPitals. Shilèy Spangir, .,15 makinx the arrangements. At a ,court of honor in the hom e of Miss Betty BusIby,captain of Troop- 5. Saturday afternon, plans were made. for that troop's celebration. They w11l have a'pot luck supper with their mothers as *uests for their Christmas party' It was also decided in the court of ho0nor. that Troop 5 would start work on a play to be RZive') early in tht new year. The girls who compose the court of honor1 are the. patrol leaders, scribe, andj treasu -rer of 'tht troop. They are! Pegzy Chapin, Phyllis Pratt, Patricia9 Sunbloom. Dorothy Krohl, patrol1 leaders, and Phyllis Bergstrand. scribe; and M,%ary Wilson,. treaftnrer. Chrisimas Progra.. Wednesday 'evening, Deceniber 15, parents will meet in thé Howard school auditorium to hear and visitai- ize the annual Christmnas prograni presented by the Logan-Howard Par- ent - Teacher association and the seventh and eighth grade students of Howard school. Thte frst part of the prograni wilL, be;in. prornptly at 8 oclook, and wil be the stories of-the Christma.s carols and the singing of the carols by the seventh and eigbth grades under the, direction of Mrs. Agnes Clark, mu .sic teacher. Charles FLutton, bassi baritone and well known concert singer, will their li are b( -s of Dr. and Mrs..1 heir son and dai ., viîting theirs law, Mr. and M for thret weeks. H. A. Andersoni ughter, Brooke a -ora. ýwere the gueSs of honor at gathering. and had the oppor- îof seeinoe and hearing how leaders did profit by such a twork of ail types engagements ail over .Lutton is sait! to 9 and entertaining expresses itself Tap Datices classes. the second term of les- y, December 6. Classes he Logan school under schedule. 1oon-- Tap, 3:00-3:30 p.,. a P . . 3:30-4:15 pi. « p........4:5-5:00Op.m. noon- Ballet ...> . 3:00-1.:45 p.in. 'a- *apaai i