WALL$ sud PLOOR9 of remi Tile are colorfnE, br5ght1 lean and durable, and never nedrodecor- atlng. Let unshobw jou how e conomlcally: you eari TII. your kitchen, btbroomn, or pprch. A phono cmll weUt bring.our ropro. *ubottve or cati et or show room Vau er4A 'n. Ave. fine roonis and ani attachied 'two-car garage. l'ieo.*est imated c.iis $22tXfl). .Ernst A- Betnkert, Winnctka, is the arclîitect-. and thé W~alter Norris compatny. Chicago. builders.- Permits for fadditions were issued to F. R. Lewis 18Hanptondifle aveue,$4,O0;C. A. -Abbott Trust, 1081 Gage street. $1,400: E. S. Fetclhèr. 822 Bryaint av enue,$0. Olfers Estate With a Fish-Laden Lake .OppIrtunity for an î;susual invest- mient. cit lier, for estate or subdivision purp ose.s, is, sugg ested by Fred Buck fil an 1annlounfcenenit in titis week's isu.Mr. Buck, who resides on . thec tiorith shore aildIlias offices in thibe kd, lie points oui is well bass and othier fisli. It beacli and is ideal for SUmmIIer sPorts, it. is All tliat righit in Evans- a n& lati1vC i \Vil- epublic..sl,01sîrt (y *.f Jluusait( iv a, a 1l1:<' s tol) tie .retarditg building t r a (I (.S anil (I rovidt, for the lanrcblimg ol. ac<or<itg te) Roi>- e rt Il. \\Iitakter. 1) ati uf k. -1. Witaker .c o n- panyi. r calt 0r~ Vi t Il ofices.i Il \Vii lt ,: .t k .1aii.d presi(Ieut 1 f Illie Nationîal .,iitcia- .statc boards. l'O tis endlNMr.- Whla~ ker î, ?tuB-T, in., Ille aid of Çnr%,nIle-adu re*;-l estate orgatiizat()l% . aîd ..th. r c. 10m111ercial organizatlil îllni tt . utSécUrfInle ,gisiativ-e reýil(j toir iii- lit-> gt-ieraliy-. M r. VhitkerYpioiiecriiiî ini iIdlias kd te natlinal îe ~ tt o'f Iiiefforts. und i., 1cn-:-i - - Iavu hbuti clioc i nit ihal- q. r' '1 I f Iii a l tte o Setiator kl~nN J.aolltte ainvinlwr ( tt trai comiuffttec on finance,.NMr. Viar 'ged extein'.it-elv ùll-COil-l- adnistr-atio n in Wasli i.sî i ',t l .s worlc ~everything reitsonably O5iI.tp*- tectural wr in Chicago impté building operatfons. and .oiiiyrecciitlv super- "'t ,s notthe intention of iii..r;îî.' npletion ut() a large liote] and, builders wlio are i n 0u-s,-î i erdale, Fia. More r:celnt- mattWr to <btain stny stwei.d .r.a en1 associated witîî R. rIl. nc4>1nbut ile a-sk m.*r-ly %tfihý npanv s archteet. any tanreasonable restrletifons t.*w t- [of biis Iracticelias lwben SMugëests Chango-% imore expensive tNu)Vs tf -I1n short, It is< our i. . h. h a. rt I<au bias 1) k-er C( Aska Ail to Aid