village who perhaps have not as yet inog plant at the E.dwin. T. Heister ANNOUNCE BIItTH been S'Olicited, but would glad ýhcl home. 573;Earlston road. There wasfA nine-pound son, -Robert Williamn if tbey %vert approacbed. To, assist littie damage. -j- Arnojcï, %%as born at home Sundav to, nii sccuring contributions fromý these j Mr. and MIrs. Raiph S. Ainold. 2447 peoplep, 1.Vz,2jETE [IFE again publishes 1 f ý!outiined wiîth t Chest funds iPirc1iwood lane.. rie baby bias one a -pledge card.ý It brought restflts iast ai view~. That mnust flot happen. smser. Kathernè. 5ý-6 years old. wcck, anmi we hope it wii do even *\\imttC can and will miet its% better this Nvecek. :îgîcn tru.îh oc o~ "One ting is certain: The budget; before Christmas. If you have tiot ai- mlust bc ra.sedl,or vilse those organiza- readyv subscribed, fli in, theub- lios pa.rticil)atifig ini its funds Wvill bce scription c r e e ih a i :al i oAit<kCliFW:-K H il1î . ...... ~~~~~Date .. . . . . . . . . ....... To provide for the needs, of the recognîzed social and welfare agencies of Wilmette, end in consideration of the subsecriptions of others 1 (we> agree to pay to The Wilmefte C@mmunitmy Chest. lic., thie sutnwof....................................... Dolr Payable in equal quarterly [n nronthly D] payments or as follows: Signature.................................. ....... OBTAINED BT ........ ..... . Address .......................................... Founcy Moid or U426 Linden Ave., WiIm.ffoi Phone WiInutfe.4464, ALL WQRK GUARAIITEEO SELF o th Fins# i Treat vont self b4o Or wide variely, and hith.s uity Orders taken'now -for Chrismams and New Yesr's. ALL PHONIS:. Watâon.WINNUTRA 651 Leav, àt ware now being uséd to Andireus & Toms~ the rear, agc 1 F't5 *' enience