BRICK -FOINS ~mas Tree Center otfMruts and '.%ut$ Ceîî- Putachio Nit, w t h tee between t*o laý.er> Peppermint Stick&. f French Vanille. SEC M 60 ýmsaÊ Téree Center, of ereme-de-Menithe, wlth Fresh: Orange Ice or fresb .ýses1,Ice Bell Cýnter, ln ianhila. Ice -Cream. 49c- We Carry or Make Io Order A Lrge Assortment of DULN ICE CREAUS Orders TaUin Adsvance-Prompt Ddlis rb HOMERS Exluiv ,CI CRNAM SHOP 1*37Gren Bay Roud Ph... WImdf. 477, -v il" Lef tot rigist-Dule Keeler, Walter Hoyter, Arthur Lemke, and Nate, Chalmers, quartta of tie Lewiis lus! ilute Gîce club, will give a proprarn of songs at ts e Trier-Sssnday P.véning club Decemiber 19. rThe Iecture of the eve,,ing zil bëe piven 1l3, Branses, De Cou on iie subjeci Hwi. Dahn cke is Nameéd Royal Arch Head, Wilniette Chapter No. ?53. Royal Arch Masons, held its annual meet- inig in the Masonic Temple Tuesdav Masotic. Lodge Wl Instail Officers',at Ceremonies Tonight George F. Ilîif will be formially ini- stalled as master of Wilmette Lodge, pties.t. 010~ Ceil- Th u r- is wel, in saii of t h yas a Village ant teachei this year. ýr and lier rtet )II SOI mit is to be pro- tieitals, a mixed 1Ruby Spenicer en Kolliner. con, I 1~