Amiong the feature açts will bc ~Terrell MNI Jacobs, wild animal train- :er in a deatb defying spectacle witb lions and tigers; Hoot Gibson of movie fame and.'bis congress of, rougb riders, the famous Davenport and -Hodgini troupe of equestrians, Rudy. Rudynoff and bis 30 Liberty borses, .Miss Dorothyýr Herbert and ber bigb ,scb1ool horses, 'Miss. Cyse Odelli and her sky high endurance,,act,,and such lioted . aerialists as tbe Cannesrello Duo, the Fiyiing Concellos, Ed. and Jenney Rooney and lier ballet, the, ,Aerial Soits, tbe Six Antatekcs, the Flving NVassars, the ç;riffey Sisters,, acrial ,butterfiies; tbe Wallendas on high wire, Bessie Hollis and Viola Barnett, twenty clowns,fetr acts ef dog-and ponies, trained seals and 15 performing elephants. More than 200trzý7n2d ,horses s. 4S0willpar-,. ticipate. There will bc a complete menag- crie and a sideshow of freaks and muonst rosit ies ýassembled f rom al quiarters of the globe. Xhikc the average big tirne circius limuits its prôgram to eigbteen acts in each ofthtree rings, the Sbrine Winter circus will offer twenty-two, it is announccd. Tbis calls for a pro- gramn of. sixtv-six acts. a leasc iaviiig *.n.i: l" 'Otilu tàa pericxd. Sonia 1Henie Enroute to Chicago Stadiumi D)irect front Hollywood wbere sue hi-.. fn r<omuleted ber late;st Picr, W urnette.' Choral selection% during tbe play will be sting by tbe Glee club, and thé school orchestra will give selec- dions between tbe acts. SProceeds of tbe play will be uised [or Christmas relief. Miss Roberta Scbilbach, wbo is taking a snursing course at Rochester, Minni., ill be at bier bomne in Wil- mette on a vacation from December 18 to January 10. emwood Avenue, GU.ucoe chmdw.m 3-5Ymv of Aue. FARM 1 CHOOL Sondees.Roud. Northbrook.fil Cho&"m 5-12 Y.«» éfÂA" For Iafrmotlom Tlpeps.. iseos PI9 '/Check Q'evrog.e Io dehve,ed PÈe