Mr. Srnitb blas other research Iprojects afoot, ope (if whicb is, to fitid ,îewout- lets for usinig wood decoration i.effec- tively. H-e bas l his automobile, for in1stan1ce,ý .ijaels liuthe dî,i irs wlidm' Camne linucli-timie. asi<l on)ce miore the in.terview% adjourtied. this. tiinie to cibin ven1e at t>lce nver the table:l h . Furniture cmlu iithe Ftîruiture. '%art acro5s the ~trect f rii433 F. Eri steet The conlversatiton 's\vung over fron woods ait4 veucer. totlhe World w %ar. Ws Mr. Smnith mailitaisied tbat soîuc of ve tbe by-prixluet,;of war. are iuch to h 1w bh dsr. tIlas thýe (Iei11<)rac ivai u1î'ý tireou tlthe î, thie ab' ltekowledge of each'i1 o ther. ai the cominoi! denoinitiat or , jmuse ' of regulationg. fon-d. recreatioin. lI lICthOn argucd<l tat wsar scenicd rather a wastt,- do 1.:c-,, f j,1 iinthodi i ,taiin these hv-products. ~ciock. vaituaUlea, ley ilgltI e Ai NIÉ. Smîith. witlh îut admittinig bis retreat. Soloist, cfcsdto) tlhiiig %we lbailbeen bonti Narion.,j lu the Nwr' .ig Îencratioii. laide joii Froîn war the' talk, wentit o wî Joix Byj on whicli Mr. Sruith is an enthusiasi. huni, bar lu the course ofl bis scardli for exotie 1we the ac( ai fiule wo ods lic a traveled extcîî- sivelv anid heC4o)iW a cIt1ýiseti% r q> F.'uropIeait wnîles-Onue calniot hlntE, iitu earlv m-1tlîplans lfor a.wins cellar, lien IX lited 0ot. 1T he m>iîlr thc \\sun. t R~ay Photon F~ 1. Bradiburs, 1030 C entral Wilsnte. eis dir-ector.of thé cd cho irs jin caiutata. <1V/seili irisi (Child Camne," l', Clokcv, nented by N atiîvity papal o- to be.f>rescinted alIciez, :y- J1isi church, Evanston. Sin- 'eninq IPecember 10- . tif7:30 irjorie nUiic wililbc, ion; Ade- -soprano; F. Birad- nion nienibcr .f hbjs lamly h- frnm eux- hall. braced the art oÎ finle livinig. ,Tls art enables hini to sec bis o)wll huies, il. The program for the festival is a its proper place in society and to liect traditional one at the collège; bc- the need' for creating and Ipreservi'ig gînning with the processional of the beauty-in wood, of course. entire student body with gifts for the ________________________- --cbildren of five Chicago settiernents. Iand ending with the presentation of a favorite nativ'ity play, Tere Vas Christian Science One Who Gavé. A Lamb." Ch y- Each vear the college girls cOn- SCIENTI FIC 'LIS,