BIcU&.W hite Cleaners WU.ffe 34-Isoblitbed in 1932 GRE. 0300 *AT LAST our -merchandile-bas passed the Unîted States Customst! WVe Offer You rare and beautiful things f rom the exotic Orient SÇome of themn were old in-,Cleopatra' s reign!. Chrisim-as Gift4% Give <>tncthing that wiIl i*creae in salue Çîth~ the "~lg feh ,ear. Prf>cad"e, hand-pa nted Jerusalern potter-% Iamps ÀArabic b<-,wl. sweets, hand-Iwrou4}jt copper. an>d man%,. màny thr te * VIsi» Our O.coatfd 3,1* C.ntury Aobin P.riod R,.nm o,(A J/atJrti >andi Open Evening t2ntil Chriiitmais N'~ kr'h' ;4IXMA-J Cr4ti Silex CQOFFEE MAUCER 'I rri ke th;- hs-"t *,ff~4r* 3f>u'I] Ti'-'4i r r-iI"x. W7; hr~; ?h'~rr. in b~,i'h ~.~t.ttTjr Pk9 r:' --j. --,. i'-. * M rais .4Phot w2vsi aEdzzard J. , & -Uf.î ,i3r.;. PSrM:c 'l inRon f i\tSira, performed Oie commun vand a rception ivas heiçi at aie~ ironieof the bridegroonis parents. ~< a vi-ý.'Ji z trirn tcûSt.- Louis XYet; vou ilnge Ë.oc ial -et wh1ol aree(l, .i<ni the vear studvli1n Iin coIe~e an *u i rii uside the -tt ili bu retûriuing hômne this weekendfor the Christrnas hiolidavs. XVinete- tudent, attenlding Denl- if-luniversitv at ,Granville, Ohiio. The prgrani Wliil bc 4 à'at4:~;. be4rs. The tmasý- pr<iP<)erWi1 ~ . the 'ixth numbeé-r. at ~am j-c)HrAy Nioeht.............X-:~ 2-4r),Littfle'T wvn ~f?",~~n ~r r <jr"'-'.- M 1L Th:O- Sr Jr * . 'hiÀr. 'n 4 r anr.1 chu-r hriL'r. Thceenhnr rS:chrjir. unr rt,(:rct': S-- w.ritten ini t-e u-ual uiu ru.r the great Germnan #rpe.;r&ah e'r. It 1, extrtiîlv pdpoe.c'u and the dsuathroi--: . prjrtray, the trend c4fioIr (À Cathiolic chlurch miiusie. SAvoca Schoi to Give, 1w.~Vseve the otwetn.crr if \\limette. as veI1 as partsox u-E fied tons ip, lil be held iiext Tuez.,- dlaY cveiing beginniing at '8 ocuk mi- aiiioupced yverterdav. I \ercises %%-Ilhegin vwith thesigg rChrirtrna.s carol,.foIuve v a bU miess meeting of the sclhoof s ý;Acie%"e- ment club. after which threc sliort playý are to be presented. iiversity.