Mada LIghfSets 8 llght loopa wlth exten- sion ýcap, ,and euu mnazda bulba. Weothorprof Tree. Llghts' 49c Detector Tree Llght Se# Detect burned out tree bulbs. A tiny glow at the base reveals. the defctie blh.8 light ioops .wth exten'.ion caps. 9 8 "Scroppy" Tree Ligluht Sels. set 'of 8 llights wlth extensiOn cape &bid8 bali 6 haped coVers wlth pictures f Srapy, th-- O R C . crimi strip boy. Glow ti- ~The new vogue 1 n Chrisýt- mas liing vith 8 niaz- da Iamps. 98c, Hieavy rubber covered , ockets. -Multiple .String of 10. colored lights,. ech laup burnas Independefltly of eaâch othern For Indoor or outdooir use.I 7.Igl'Wealherproof Sel* For outdoor or indoor. use weather-proof sockets and W'ater-proof cord wlth 7mazda -hulbs. S-Light Coudie Set Véry' ittiacfl4zé for 1hbffi' wlndow display, W e.11 _made, ivory finish wlth ,a wood base. 1 $19 $1.', A Girl-$ Wodr Ideal Git Saby Dol hottI~-. Excel Prejector i1ï mm, motor driven, self- rewinding. $4.95 $ p value WILMETTE LIFE I40 100 XI I J