conUl 'chOris ; a grQUP Of mcil perliaps more than any other lie iac- afid Nomenl who knew th-e delighltsbuÙt tor -exPlains the progress of the or- ittie of thé. technique of ex.pressling ganization nmusicallv. Watching -the thcmisèlves il, Song, the SOciety as group relhearse, one cannot but f eel p rOgrCessC(l to a -point %vere its mm h lII(i prto h hrsa biers are capable of 'truly finle orkwile.h cfsioi atisfaction ofj worthy of the attenition of M1usîc loyerS ! 1n1and1 wolicni who feel thiemselves anywhre. igr<w imusicallv. bnoth as individuals Describes Rehearsal and as -a fine musical unit. The rehéarsals offer just the right A îscate mmesaeivtdt conbination Of seriotis singingk and thée animal Christmas party to 1)e leld soc iabil itv -I Iel(l -at Xintk on ,xt Snidav eeigat innetka mlunlity fHouse >eVery ru*es(lay niglit at jC, nnultity H louse. 8 o'clock, thie first portion of the____________ mieeting. is devotcd to serions. study MOVE TO WINNETKA of the linusic to bc presented ýatthie 5enuannal cncets-achWager, NI i. ad4Nirs. NWillianî 1B. CON) and Brahnîis. spirituals. folksongs 'andl the thecir <a (1. An.rnv( ls likV. ]-lieni a b)rieýf period for relaxa- tvee b847 Cherry street. int tjlindi îu'het.and, t- nallv, ka. For cei:a1l months prior to lighlt> ont for e xtenîpo(-ranleous h ar-1 lertkigipntia ing %viîcli inakès nup in ferv or what il ilae the Coh1i taVeal027 (tell- Iacki*1 ici s. ebr tk attral avenue. W\'Iimette> They camei .Il the .elction Of songs .and pay lor 1the n(> Ott,, Shore trotîln ' York. the înutsîc Ont Of. smuall Inîonthlv dues.t .Two Types of Mernberslîap Active iinbilersip lis neccv.ardl 1*i1itcd, Contingent upon thle edo ff'ILM TYR D voices and the nlecessity of imaîntain- iing a properly balanced group, but anyone whio cal, rea(l music passably part are wi bers. The;i hearsals, a1 parties. TI, to eacli of inviteci ro visit lare in the occasioi ýo receive four ticlçq o concerts giveil ea i"-0 3r. Enthusiastit Leader Miss Bacon is eminently qualifie both by training and inclinationt stock-