SHIRT AND TUE Harmnmy Set liere is-a stunning shirt of fine count broadcloth, and tie, linked by spaced two-tone stripes and broken cording ln ail colors. Boxed as a set. $2.M5 M.- n's Furniship-Street Floor FAULTLUESS NOSULTr PMAAMAS H,'lJ ike these so wdjIhel wemr them t. loungi. m wsth or without a r.> r ic h broadcloth, un!uaàr Novel pattern on fine satesi. SS.0 TIE ~ 'KERCHIEF SETS Men always like practical, good woven to ma~tch imported 'ker- *chiefs. Plaid sets $1.50. Striped sets, L52 -- * Ifen's Furnishings-Street Floor PURE IRSH LINUN HANOKURCIEFS Floor bten's Fusr, ishin g-- Street >'loor 16, 1937