tbColstttlltioil 10o put tuie proposud clarud îotttial As Senator plan tob operation i-Or, lu rephrta>, King stated in his sec.Mwolîld l that. tuestil i Il1 thtI law si and ltht fed lthat jI1 %as.<bing 'a disservice1 tet ttl orsa> Iiose te-ss, n i icountry if L vOted fo.r ai ilave býeje enunciated 11%.the, SuIrceîîe iineaItre Iwhicli I blivto ci) ucon- . Court -i tspreviOtus <IeCîi6 lfSt itlutjouai béca use .Oi on datg O1 stioti 'is as iitiportaiit athe o0 1 n* supPosed exigencey.* otIlter.Utnless hoth auwa i.é re l itis.iintcrestling to note that in the iii the affirmative the ilitaslirc s5<t11,1Mnority Report of the House Coin- 11it 1w >Ice o the staittite! boo%. ittee on 'Agriculture the charge ils But thére katidqeto vihiiad itat there arc "certain pro-ý the average iî.eiibt'r ni tongre' as spolients of titis type of compulsory hjnlisef hich poue îfruate lgilaiIi @hiare' very anxious to result, It V \\ht effect %vill a *yea'011.ihave enacted_ liito law legisiation ~:av vtepi tteîkildîilW bil lî c« which is obvîoûusly uniconstïtutionaI. nav" votealii(l hich , wil be so declared by' the. Oitlil t-taI(estorreeectotihighcest -court. ini order. to provide How. Abouit Re-election? liew 'Hice for a contiîîued attack, upoît1 Withthîir ueftlites tig <h1t.nd- te Supreinie Ciurt.' As to wheth cr eut 11)iilewl fti - l-ldctJie, Charge is truc. I do not know il, Î,ntua thaI meîtlwr- o ( (lt htcranycre should bc exercised j!_ ](tud.ak iat(tt'ti)1 et our farnxer., should be made the pa.sîn jI- ~~ ci101t~~Yistrumet O otplitiÉl exped1teney.i bill. nir sio artieutlar. haritlThn ne- real friends of the farmers will asit.Nr .ras si atjjlr- iîtsist uponl an agricultural* program IN, 1un4(e-ralulr that texbrsalw îclî wil stand ail the tests, con-: the ;tts%%-r to bc a factori cr stitutional. ccoîtôniic and social, iiii dcesiol. ut t i .wentheanscrorder that there inay bc perma~nent 10 titat qluestiofl. ai 0114tllltI 1. 1 rosperity for thte people who pro- allwe t cntrl 11. lti'.oi tta Ivide the sustenance of the nation. te î tlae rustits acclire. It i- L.Unie" those wbo provide the ubread* ~vtc osîI)h oitci t111<lifl( popr. no one Cani prosper. of soice 14vote are allow.ed OuPtveiglt ai eceisc at tliteharîn 'Id~êT cilumi~i New portatq(uestions astu ecoonu-sOiaIresuits and as to Edwarit J. Hughes te coniuioilaitYof the repCsctivC of .early business1 thi l ttîcs tS. isuSiO a to the pos- limiInary ,cierical sible political ColsceeCs of a plates nîay b s negative. or affirmative vote have sequence sonie d beeni, for the most part, confilied to Over tite Country the cloakroouls and lobbies, where on Decemiber 15. therc. is no stenographer takiîîg short- Secretary Hugli thiît is ~said for torists "hIo lbà Permanent beauty lis built into"every, Peacock ring. whether BLUE WHITE Diamond or CoL-ý ored Stone, in sot- tlngs of gold or platinuni.j 15 FZIRCON< $35 111 neUsua VV544J'* l quires much pre- rork before the Adand as a conl- av is necessart' ýrVice also started sttdthat nmo- requested lbiglh $27 1 M-