don and the sïuth of Franctf, where he has spent the past four. years lin-tudý an-d association with .noted French and italian paînters and, critics., FH- is now .viiting his aunt. r, Arthur H-. ki ýhIanri (-Pi 171 Frànkîju road, Glencoe. lIionel Ge!b I.-ï an Arnerican a n recel-,,d h ÏS. early introduction to oils and canvas at the Fawý- cett School' of Art in hi-is native city of eak New Jersey. Where he. wa.s Soin twfenty-five years ago). The young painter gavt- earIy promise or talent, and* shortly after %inning a first' award i a national comnpetiticon wi, -ent abýroad to stdý After somne time at [,a Gad harirthr WeI-known academy r,ýf MnParna.Se. Young Gelb 'piaced himnself the giuidânre lof Salcià Banhc. whoqe, work is prw !vwr-11-known.n and regarded in Chicaizr, urig the everal years thrat folowed(reo. itncarne to i-) . GeF,> %everal of who-se o>II,ý were huýinî< in the Salon des mrnbership. H-is later 'pinting~, a f-'u hI(h are to i- viewed in the curr(ent . ot~ were warmiy, praised hy the famo)us' French modern, Maurice Utrillo, and hy the. vr- ighty-nine-year-old grande dame cf co-nte*rni.orary paintersý. Mme. Su~zanne Va Tdn he paintings ni>w loffered to) north ,h(-re devotteeswere <lotie du rinlg Mm. Gelb's recent fr)I>rn :in the Rivie.ri -nd the liorth -)f Mr.. Hrbert . Scx':d,377 Hau'thorve az~nu~, G~Lee. ùprno.i. the so!oist for sévzerai progjraats o! Christmnas msedurt'ingthe ton, ?and rez*efttlýv p ziip ;z n o cC<rtsi o Choose Christmaos Music for Recordings Concert Adding ýeveraI Christmas numbers to complete Al the third for oÀ the. Me<Iin$ih cluij-~i\t Mich~aflavene. hicago, unad.r&.>n1 cember 19. at 4 In the aiternoom, a- a 'w* pýerfo.rmiance to heip poieChr-iýtmi- G'rii fhonor v.iiI t*Phili, 1, M u the <Chicago Tribune staff jeatiauuiiÇ Cîit v ,opera brtnand Chari& -,Pt-n ,-.,-i exporrrec.entiy returneid froM Thiîbrt. .ucy tincn director '(,f the: ch ,ru-,!a~r: tiveýs livinig on the nùirthi ~hr."TWf7 :! 14* the Beaux Arts ý,aloe k'i' ide Mrý, Fix vill sitng the - 'olo inhc1!.j l ' ar.'by Adams. A1so eontithe prio,-ran i 11 Fugenia J>crendal. who ha, dot- Chùrch -WI'ý Ilided( aniong thet- -olo, on thie rra '.H be. -Cant ique de Noci» '*a carol 1w AdamS.:a r, oi sac rel numbers..; Handel'-"0 .Loveiy Pvace. ,The Lord's Praver» 1w M Nalotte, -Green CathIe- dlral," bv 1-ahui; Bralim ' Gypsies Cradle SI nmz lIgars "The Sniow." and "l'le SleigW IiK ' b% assç)ciated with thr AAmerican Cn.racr Music; tht- Chorutý lt-cil work, ii the ChiIcag.> Consûr%-atoî-v of Muý,ic: Tea xilli oilow th'. proztranI i it.1, the public. soloist in Concerts M ' s. Herbert \V.toti,.377 Ilamîi,,r:u it.ý nue, G1enicoe, Soprallo. %va, the o'i.frt [.amp and Gift zky, BePtho-vùn's fifth smponand Rachrnan- tocn, rilu ring the iof ocet o s am-mcer- o hs concerc two, perhapý the most popular or îcrnerto-j, and 'piayýed lon the-se ecordings *by the comnposer himseif. Mmf. French welcomes to his hom-e on the evening,ý of his concerts, ai! north shore residents intere1,ted in music, but low anks they telep,-hone hum 1)efor e the concert. '.nrist:ia, natlvity pageatit of the irt dist Episcopalitihrcli in ' nt n ni nias eve it, singing tor tlit- lInîin,,I±t aindie - ervice at the saine chirc.h. Music Durector WILMETTE LIFE uer i pal îhop. 1569 mronth (of1 the North I