BY MRS. EDWARD B. HALL H E~Voen' Rpubhica n Club T o iNew rir whiclî until-last wiav a, led 4*rîie Vonvws Re publicauiCii of Winneltka"ý is >fie vecars old flhis ilu, andi for somîe rea- sovou bave meyer befo)re becen given à firmnai jpresident's report. The an- imal mieetiIgs, or hiennlial meetings t he . he ensitce :1933, have Ihetili So f1111 %vit1î ail thé other reports an.(1- imiportanit 1business, and guest 'pakers, that il. sced; best, to dis- PeINse with, what is usually just a ,-uti- ,nhiiig up) ot thé ýreports of the other oliesand corniittees.- But niov thlat we are fleli large wmilimportant b>oardl thatwc conto'rm to thle procc- <hiirc of anv .well regulated club. and l1aý e> -a- pfC914C145 report~ -aIiog ývt 111( othiers to file with Our recordS. ht occurîed to tue that, for our new iiiiilws.who mnay not bce famîbfar T w:tlî the acolpihleSof Ille chlb iuve(r the past five ycars as, xeI as iî'r those who have becîx wvth us sm1 ce îlic heginniing, it mlighit hé oi interes.t to trace brictiy the growth oi the 14rg11i/atticm and. touch on ()Ile of ilie Itigl spot> m (>1 evenit iie 1 wort!i ai J 1,e N VU .-v to welcome Glencoe and Kenilwot into Our organization and our mei- I lsership stood at. 465 wbich was in- creasedft>o vër 500 after the memnor- able meeting when we were addressedl by Chaunvy McCormick. In the summer 'Of that year, the legislatuire at Springfield passed a law Uhich provided that precinct com- niitteenien sbould no longer be elected but shoulci he appointèd by the town- shlp committeemen who should be chosen by the electorate at the prim- aries. Thiîs made the office of town- ship committeeman a very important1 onie and the selection of a candidate gave us grave coiicern. We al re- member that the Republicaù precinct comnitteemen of New Trier township had been for many years divided into îwo oppôsing groups, each anxious Aloboudoir .lamPO. g1aUMW&re, lingerie, 1handkéerI;fu, Unens, dolt dresses, hostesfftgownp n other quality giftm. DA4-ITE LU, % and .IF. S me Mrs. ois. Altitougl IMr. Zciss~ de- for one weel *feated ait theclection. the group oi on electionC wolnvil, haded b., \r>. Bruice Mac-3licant clutil i I.ei4ih. ho lad donc such a file piece ail overwhet Of work, ani becoine so mnterested iili It -was tix *politics and the imphlortanice of good the co,îtrový government, decided it wvould be too ot Ralph Cl b ad to let ail their work of organiza- Jr., for Conï tion go for nothing, so at a meeting tri.ct. Thisv at Mrs. Macl.cish's home, it was de- ficult devisi we. hae Ile