for tbev don't -want the-place crowded-but they are stili be- ngtaken-7-at Icast. at thetime. this 1 went. to press, thiev: were- for the big New Y 'ear's-eve dan- c ing'an!d'card party. x'iýth itq after midnigbt supper of deli- clous hot dishes. wbich the,. Wôtoman'- Clui) of Wilinette, is giving at the clubloise Že -Year's eve, under the auspices, of the ways and. ineans ,com- mittee Nwhose chaîian is Mrs. Howard. E. RinghoIrn. Mrs. A. L... rinneil, wvhô is in charge, showed us a partial list of the suh- scribers for the party-it read like a Who's Who of the dancing, groups of -Wilmette. We.;moderdas -we .ad it, if anyone wvas left, of the dancing elite of Xilrnette, to go to any other party on that night and dance the old year out. The liveliest orchestra the club could by N. T. Croups Four, groups' of New -TrýiC1 fHigh school students arC ~i~ invitations to dances to liv 1w14d during the holidays, winn Moid.ay evening. 1Decele(r 32u. whleii -there viI1l)C a 1part\ ;tt AMedinzih club, %vit11 bl'.cw Butler :and bis orcheýstra ir. _ vidir.g the miusic. The hosts for thi1s. affair wil] blw I. rv Brenfian, uh nlai, \auglî In: ~ hai», Budl Carey, Bob Clark. jim (9v- ments, Dick Cowali, Johni)e bacon, kirk I)illing. Bill.l-Iagehah, I.arry 1 ha:i fimf l-ltr(l. Bill« Jasp)er, E~î~J1r ý;orcîon Kiddoo, ,Ken Kui1 gt9rv. I .i, k KixMNi.1lir, How~ard K4?t. e. XX .trr..ý Knauçer, A!(ly Kuhv, -Bcob 1 é. Harry YMifler, JinOllu. J foimSd< C-lover Watt; and Buif Wlia Xcxt ini the series of parties îý': a. group of girls lias planned ftur 1I cemiber 22, at the Stcvells b ti t Colonial club orchestra playing and i!:. hostesses being: 'M a r g a r e t 1~zr Elaine Buck, Janet Colvin, Kay Cmiii- nîiskey, Margaret Cunninîgham, vl FlJert, Patricia Fisher, Suzanne IIa hurst, Betty Heffernan, SueIlliJt Jillson, Nadine Kinney, Roseniary Kieiîî.i Charlotte Ladewig, Mary» Francc-' Laughcead, Rut-h Mervis. .Nancy Olsi 1i. Rets sulky- as who wouldn't-and then there isnt rhythm.) There will be rhythm at this party. And thereIl be ail the popping bal-" loons and noise and fun and favors that belong to New Year's eve celebrationsý the world over. - , - -* ,- - j r. e itaOin i cro ILlUI i lyJ 01< Chicago, becamr the bride of William G. Peaeock. Jr., son of AMr. and Mrs. IV'illjain G. Peacock, 128 Si.rth sfreet, Ini a.haine ce renionyi on ýNoz-empber 20. Shc 7vore a white brocade woedding' gozfn, and a tîiIc ve-zil edgyed inhi.Iirloo g, lace z/i ich had been. in the family for several. generations. Sces, Di t/he pic- turc arc tireý-eorold uerought irait cauddabra, bj-oîght frai» Ïtalv by thc bride's parents, anîd :sed for decoratia» at . the wecdding cerc- iinoiizy. Ilr. and Mrs. Peacock are retuitiîîpg home abouti Christmîas film, <rin asiitftiern hoîieymîoo,, anid plon ita make their honte In ioro. shaw, Lucie Lamib, of 'Marjorie Arn- Madeleine Clark,. ýi Drun, Chiarlvtte ýon, Martha Har.- an, jean Husted. Klecknler, Bontîle .s, Julie NlcIitosii, 11e Nelson, Marv WLtMETýTE LIFE