and final business session of this year, Tuesday at tbe Kenilworth Union .church, elected Mrs. E. Worthington Walters of Highland Park president. Other officers chosen to serve with ber are Mrs. Eugene DeStaebler of Evanston, vice-president. Mrs. Cur- tis Woolfolk of Evanston~ recording secretary; Mrs. John Carson of Ev-, anston, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Knowles Hollowell, also of Evanston, treasurer; Mns. Minier Sargent of Winnetka, social >chairman; Mrs>. Keith Capron. of Evanston, publicity c,ý_çhairnian; Mrs. Richard Goble.ý of Evanston, in charge, of voluniteers; Mrs. Dale McCutcheon of Evanston, membership chaininan; Mrs. George Hildreth, another Evanstoniani, chair- mnî of poins;' Mis Mary Adelaîde Allison of Evanston, knitting chair-. mani; Mr 's. L, Pearson of Evanston, chairman of collections. Several new members have been added to the center: Mfrs. William Wood and Mrs. John Lane of Wil- mette, Mrs. Walter Colbath of Malcolm Balfioui Pt The prograni. planned by, Mrs. 1. Edward - Brown. will, be, one that shôuld -ippeal to chiidren of ail ages. Miss Gloria Rensch. a member of the, active chapter at Northwestern. wil present a puppet sow.Gaines wilU be in charge of Mrs. Lewi Sarett and. Mrs. Paul Ziegler. An'artist wilI be present to cut silhouettes. and 'all-, important reireshnients will îlot Ix. overlooked. Reservations arc <o l)e made by Thursday, Deceinber 16. through Mrs, Emiery Stoker. 2340 .awtnda. ,ave - nîue. Evanston. LChristmas Bridge Tea lu for Cafholie. Club îving a and tea k at the a bnief iess be- threc aluninae groupis of ClIict-9o a environs arc planning to be tiî1icl,-)Il hostesses to- Alpha Phi's.rüturnink froni various pursuits over the CO)UU- tryside, to Alpha Phi niother:, back for a visit wîth. gralni*otiier,,anth ie cideto Alpha Phi coed.s hoine for. the holidays fror other7 uni h'ities hither and you-and to an%,and ail Alpha Phils and, their friend,; re- 'unioni-inclined.; The XVomei' s Uniiversitv' r-lb l>i the Fine Arts: building., 411)Sn; Michigan.avenue, Chicago, ha% huvnl chosen as the p)lace., The <lav I XVednesday, Deceinhber 29. ;anîd'the time is 12 0o'ciock noon, tlhe carlv 11< 'r for- serving .planne(l to. enahhc îhîo-e who wish to attend a ~~nsa nîatinec. For those %V110renam'I. .11 afternoon of bridge, serious or coin- versational, is çitlg arranged, 'Répresentng the Nortb SI]or, alnrnnae as chairnian for the da v. \w1l be Mrs. Parrv Owens (Ruth 1linck'- clif) of 732 Reba place. Evanst<'n. Mrs. W. F. Webbe of Clhicago l*e I represent the South Shore ahInIIII.r, and Mrs. Lloyd V. Nfagoon of Oak Park the WVest Suburban grotip. 1Uesý ervations for the luncheon nîlav b, made %vith the nearcst chairman îm casé other notification Is itot mnadc- F. W.B 1937-'38 serîe'q e North Shore Id at Shawnee e evening, De- il 1 :30 o'clock. Ln, Jir., of Ev- Cradi, Auxitliary Elecis Officers WILXETTE LIFE. was nee, Co 110011. all the