OnTuesday t he first of these a held. ýAtthat lime 'children wbo had graduated from the- Nursery. schooý int grade 'se-hools were invited to tonme back for à reunion, an annual event held by, Miss Nina Kenagy, director of the Nursery school, as a means of keeping in touch with the boys .and igirls. who had once been under her care.' The party, at 4 o'clock, delighted ils littie guests with ils entertainment, Christmas tree, and refreshments. At 8 Wednesday, night, a party.for, bbc families of Nursery school chil- dren was given.- Gifts were brougbt for. the parents of the youtigsters. « A harpise, the singing of carols under the direction? of Mrs. Homer Haver- al)eth -Paine, .president,Fra, Deceniber 10, to discuss. plans. for a inemnorial to MNfiss Ncllàt AMinott who died October .31. Iliss Miinot aught ,inatent c eli, the upper school of Roycemore for twenty .years. G raduates ai, Ro-c,-, more duringthat.pelrio-d 1avc sîa'rt<, a fund.witb *wbich 10 perpetuatti lier imemtory wvithin the scho. Suggestions as 10 the nature of tlic mienorial will bec énsidcred and dfiln- ite decision will be made at the nî11(ct- ing of the coutncil 10 bc e l<1Ifonday, *-Decenber 2e, at, the home of Mxr. Harold Yegge, -1127 Forest a 1 me. Evanston. ýIt is hoprd.that Ille plans may bc completed in timne t(ifo holda mieinorial service at the schiool Itist after the heginning of the new yvar. North shoremmabrsof, the -hum- nae council include M.\iss Gcrtrudc .\fatthewvs, 319 Essex troad. Keniil- %vorîli: Mrs. H. A. Scribnler, 717 Kent road, Kenilworth; Mrs. Rush Butkûr. jr.. 354 Kenilworth avenue. Kenil- wortb; MXrs. Paul Cutier, 803 Elnwoot# avenue, Wilmette. and Mrs. John LT. X\cDowell, 2.35 Church roa<l. \Viin- netka. ane li as, .4.P" in of this week the Nursery school will bc entertained tswill be given to a Christmnas dinner for t/te su>/'pr t whicIi . scrvg'd 4er Ith"fPro- Mrs. Cnristmas imusic of D I)e furnished by a mi NIrs. Eth'el Colson known in north shore Gives R.view xed chorus and 'Brazelton, wl club circles, wili FI -. ýWlLM.ETTE LIFE- Med and