day, December 20., at the Audi- torium theater is growing rapicl- ly.. The National Council*f Jewishi Women, Chicago section, la sponsoring the first tbree nights of the ballet's Chicagoý engagement, December 20, 21, and 22. Among the boxholders and patrons and patronesses are: Mayor Edward J. Kelly, Dr. joseph B. De Lee, Mrs. H.rP Donnelly, Mrs. C. B. Goodsped Mr.John Holabird,- Mrs. Cyrus -Mc- Cormick, Herbert M. Lautmann, Mrs. Fnanuel Mandel,' Frank Herst, Mrs. Samuel Steele, Sidney Natkin; Mrs. be heId by the Chicago Mn, Holyoke college club at the Ci cago College, club 011 Tuesday December 28, The uinderral. uates will be guests ofhiô and ivili also present- tht'. pro- grarn, a- seriés of brief tI~o current évents at sehool. is Dorotby Calif of Oa;kPaks the undergradite eara o the I)rogramn. Mrs. Paul Casterliine of ilnette .~ the alumnae chairmnan of the metnetiig and assisting ber is Mrs. Homer Hor- ton of Evanston, formierly of Glcncoc. The ahimna prograni chairman wbvo arranged the series c.f talks is Nirs. ElwvoodHansmaniof J-ighlaifflPark. formerly of Glenco. of XViI- of F.v- Chite of dilate oi %vill be followed by a, buffet sul the Biue room of the Aud theater in honor of the mnembers cast of the Ballet Russe, who the guests of the counicil. Mrs. Fred Bernstein,- is chairi be roses and i fies of the valley. -. .-.-- Y'P fIlU)Ilê A rt'ception and d<ance ai lite Wiliiiette iWoDai*Ds Club folloured te cere- of . a-fe auiie'movui n Wisconsin tlhe bride antird iv~uswill riside ja Chicago. Glenco, Writr joins- League Of Pen Women Mfiss ]Rebecca Anthony of Gleni- mne, a writer, is now associated with the National League of Amiericani Pen Womnenotiotstanding national WILMBTTB LIFE