Iîîstitute. club of boitheril California. L~'OVy as mu~r Mr. Ciaglh sadid that the new Fifteen ,citi 'es and villages were rep- suternational higliway is to, be routed resclntcdat the o)rganlization mneeting, alnI teWs os f e* which - was promoted Robert '.j; a,îg ue areî Ct of Meio ia Ererly, superintenIent of.thc GIelic*e f1lice nort berti terminus. I)ark -district, and Gustaf 1LiindhIerg,. 'Defnite promise of further, support supeintndet o th Qa Pak dS iassures cotistructiou to modern stand- r. idbr vatletdprdcent .ard's. of -the Mexican link in a higb- ,%j..Iiidbegas.letedpxe..,i way whicb will. eventually, extend, Mr. Everly, vice-president, and GJeorge frmFiansAasto ues Caskey, -superitîtendent Of the WiAires, Argentsina. netka Park district, secretari copeel teIiW tire.- ~rea .Whn Cmpleedthe iewroute 'vili givre motorists in the Uniited bl' lie nex ,i m etlcgo ft he s(bcIet I States -a IICwA ouring destination and ~vl he eldù~ (.leic<w NIoda 7 wian- vIincrease 11.xic an ,trade ith the, 1 ary 10_ United States. Together with the lie%% paved con- Addresses I>'oetry Circle nect ioni opened last year between While on 5-Week Visit L.aredo. Texas, and Mexico City, thfis Tar (AIcI -1,r-willi ake possible a circle motor trip NI % V îlîam~\ am ddtI rtîtrougli a country of picturesque dani .T'aro, lo,04; Cuntral aveiluw, w andcaiigse1r' turnetil dv.dyo: la>t week froin ne~ -t fiewe tril> ini the îd.vt Site sit four vuks iiiay G~,I UESTS PROM EAST .\rk., .aiîg carc of simi nc 11 1;> r. andl Mrs. P. H. Wiliamis, 621 niattcr. .andmi N a, lut )kl hoini j iII!eiavenute, NvilI have as their Uiî~~~~~~ -o usstrawc duriug the holi- N Ir. r Irr. knoývn on thv tnortil day: Mr. anm \r>. IH. 1). Brown of, .ioýrt. or 1w, ân(ami dulnthcld VS te.N. J., and childIreîi, Dor- tvîli anou~Iît-mn ' otL~flh'tt<ti'~oiI~~atI(I I'K*îîîith. T' -lcy ill arrive .tlît.~.&dt. Iot~E.i~l.in Ia >horilv aitur Christinas ami he lhere tIt' it ile town wh',urc .tlititUni- 111t il a it.cr XewXeýar's. \. rr.tý*t', iii \mknî.> e.t>, lotcîl. s11-u 58iA8A8585wUi IJ8ne -sei-anUiîiuacompenî- tion for the St.eo rge Golf club trophy. on january 6,an concluding with the Christmas tournament at the Beimont Manor -Golf club on December 29. The fifth annuai Mid-Ocean Invitation and the Bermuda amateur-two of the win- ter's premier golf fi.ture--are on the list along with the Ber muda Ladies' Championships and the fourth animai Mkixed, Foursome tournament. Yaching enthusiasts are favored with another etensive series of competitions. Beginning with local races - in the 6- metre class,, International 6-nietre yachts will compete every alternate Sat- urday froni January to March, starting and inishing opposite the Royal Ber- muda Yacht club. Iniproveanents iu the' Sheliy Bay, Race track are expected to inake the THE BLUE PARROT taei.deceutus Is t. oroge ym'e Ma o ya or Me »w season wl ton usua down fc conipetiti tive snoi NIr.Tam had an 'oJtportunity t muevt a tiuntihe(r of writer, and 11c X%' - papér pceupleý. in partictiaýr Citarlie 1. l whc ~lom- home, Gavta Lo<!gu. i> iocate( ud i te mîarlhv (zark niotn- t ains. NI'.\fi-. erkmow,îpritncipallY tor lus îravulibook,;,lias aisowmt i -ille pîoeîry anid is.edltor of «I çiii Lamps and Acoesmoris 920 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago Phoine Superiar 5695 opeu Etmmfaga (U *Ope$. Cln*tmo