You stili have time ýto hbave pour Household and Ward-I IH robe Cleaning and Pressing~ donc for Qiri.stmas. Send it ~'""~~with the Family Launirlring.- GREAT WESTERN LAUNDRY CO.0 890 LINDEN AVENUE WINNETKA citizen 1181n1 oc acceptauLF1.. SThe, prospect of elevaïtion or de- pressiôn of- the. tracks seems, for the present,- to be slight.-* But strong mcasutwes migbt well bc taken, at some inconveniience to local residents, to limit the hazards. Specillcally, I propose that some of the lesser-used crossings be. abandoned. Wilmiette, for :example,l does flot need BOTH Oakwood and Linden avenues, with their steep in- clines; nor docs Wilmette need BOTH Forest and 1Elmwood avenues' It is not necessary, in Winnetka.] that Ash, Cherry, and Oak Street crossings ALL bc open. Pine st reet. where one of the worst accidents of receit years occurred a few weeks ago, crosses at a sharp turn in the both Harbor, avenue open.?ý of fast week, where no gateman wa at f.ault, shows how bazardous h k -A READ ER. Organist to Play Xmas Music at Scott Chapel: On Christmas* eve Arthur Clark, a post graduate st.udent at Xorthwcst., ern university ill play a program (:f Christmas carols on01a Ilaiiion<î, electric orgari which willbe locatc!d on the front porch oi the- William H., Scott and Sons' funeral1,calà)l at 1118 Greenleaf. avenIue iniWlnte r.Clark's prograrnM ill bc pre - sented bctween 7 and 10 o'clock Thursday cvening. Anothù r organist ýwilI bc featured at variotis intervals, on Christmas day between 9 o'clock The organ for the event is being provided. by the 'laniond organ studios in itht. Furniturv Mart. Chi- cago. A Hanmmond in,,trunictit ~a recently added to the e<liiipn1i-it t 0 the William H. Scott and Sons, iuni- -eral homne at 1460 Sherinap avenu(- Usa i