OtUT 1-- This moderti planurd Colonial home for I&lwin S.. Ro*enbaurn, J'r., is being compleied in. Highland Park by James J. Gathercoal, architei, uit OfRce$ in #Ar Wilmette State Rank building. residence is locaied on high' at the corner of Pine Point drive Real Estate Sales k Knoll terrace. The reception Ibid Up> Well in Ld to the living room, dining mwder <,mSnffI ot" roemI ftand n s eeS eation rom.Ii cnT.. . n:. L.. ý a mcd 4M0 Erai nus5ines recs- mtate. while it has, is held its own as )r the saine perind ) Stewart B. Mat- in charge of sales I*Itrest Rote i4oan iBankc s reserve fue '<k '~ to date luniel, Insurance new homne M Tlinrin- ro states.