1ÀV1;fK BR(YflES PHONE KENIL.WORTH20-0 G»UARA.NTEED SERVICE Sewging Marhineli, Vacuum Cleane-ri and Radios. Ail Makes. Frc-e Es-t. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVIVE 604 ý»mpter St- Uni. 6680,.(ire. 7177 15LTN48-tfe 1FUICNITURE SPRAYINc, Almo wlcIker furnîturs' & rs'rigefratr We Výune lacqjuer- -dries hard and fast. Winn#ètka '14187P. ___________________1LTN2-ItP FIREP LACEi WOOD Dit? BiRcH Axi» ?4A1LE $12 111.1 tort. Oak, $9;, ie oo.$05 Green wofoa. $7. Dtlivf-red. E. Hasrlund,. 80 EIm, Winnetka 2108S. 15LTN22-4tp TEAMING AND)TUKN SLETGHS FOR HIRE Pehroneý John Fiëgc-n, Wlmfettre 1659o FOR REAT ANI) ' (XMFORT Usie oak firepIjace wood. Start now- oprder early. Trurk and wood eltter for hire-. Ph. lghland Park 1080o. John 'Tazioli.___ LN -lt Seasoneil ie l c 1<g 50 t('U. PT TO A TON. $7. 128 CV. FT. top a etird, $14. ~no. 858. ICOOKKEEING SI-1RVICE A i#mpjl#ete set (pr>f books an .(aecUnts kfqpt fiwr svnajI '~.WriteMr.'Simmp- son, 627-1lth St., Wlilrnetté. LAUXDRY DECORA'TOR CALL FOR ANDý DELIVER R EL IA BLE. EXPERZENCED, EX- ALL HAND WORK pert. Sppecial wlnter prices. Kenal-'Best NS. Re-fer. Wlnnetka 859 tr.,rth .521;~. 21TN04t3LT.N31-e3tc Pa*ittitg and Decoratino suLUTTLeR SERVICE L;EN<(E15 MLTI(GRAPHINO-', MIMEOGRAPHIN0 25LT.N3.2-îtr, and Planographlng. MiigSri 31 R.SMAKN.720 EIm St. Wlnnetka .274 MISS M. BOLAND_________________ Dressmakine. Afternoon and evenlng so éPIANO, TUNIt4G dregàefs and coats.- Made or restyled. Satisfaction guaraniteed. IVilmette 1527. EX PERT PIANO TLMNLN;,. $3, RE- 3ILTN30-4tp pair work guaranteedý. 2ý years' fac- tory experlence. H. C. Thomas, 206 Col-!I DRESSMAI.JNTB- Y DÀ4y 5.50 umbia. Ave. Park Ridge 1477. Dresses t4iat do not lookhomemade. 0T:14~i 39 HoME MADE FOOD PRODUTIs PHONE YOUR OJESFoR ý Cruncby' home madie peanut brittlc. The best .ytu ever ate. 3.5c a po(,unt.d, deivereti. sa LANDSCAPz SgblVICE I4awn and Garden MlateriaJs i WE BUILD I3ETTER DRIVEWAYS. ~X~ÔN¶À b 1PAiiU'G lt Al.Work Guaranteed Thromas Lockerble wilmette 8221 TUNER, WILNIETTE PUB. SCHOOLS GOJLTN29-4tp *5 RADIO SERVICE HOLID - y Music DEMNDSA SET IN PER- feert conditio-n., Only an ex- p~ijcdenginéer cain achievc t*ie pcak adjustmnent of your set necessary to the fulli! njnymrent * holesale and retall. Al izeami pî*4. Wilmnette 3.. iItd~583 CHRJSTM1AS TItEE!S SPJAE Ni COL-OItS-$.r N 5-7 FT. TRÈic_ AI.$() NATUJ(Ai. TREES, SeocUP i'honc orfiers eurly, Winnetkât 1547. CHITAS TREES- OI ANI) se(-,ftr yourself. The riýht ric.ee. Ais() ruta flowf-r4and Potted lplants. -H. j.ý Wl. 325. IA-LTNIO-Iti> .AM%. FLY1ËR PASSç. & FErît train, wide gauge, track. rerInote. cn-,- troi. të(.essori(s._$-2. By i~.5 il iz 3 Johr*on rac.érs.$15ip.lri *figtire s.%kates, 1 '.'. 13. $2.50. I(oys1ý ftf- hyl.28-in . chrom. ("-njées. ntcw v $9. Winnetkt 2:120. 2A -LTN 222 1t, AMERICAN FLYER , iVID 1-1 ;*: Practirally nï-w. Coud. p'.f. n .t with swtchés, tr.o>ký'. s,&v.ssori, > 4er; y (»IenvýieW 4?4. ALr. It IONEL. EAL'ECTRIC 1ENeGiNI.:, I J dt-r. coae*hes, freight cars, "i~. turn table-, tunnel. g;ttt, b~le litek. ste-hreuse, transfn, an.*r, st:at<eý foott trueks, etc. Wnek1~ WANTEýD TC)IJIV IN GOOD CONDITION. '%\INN St. P.. REPAIRS- BOYS!GRS ~g ionei ,l~ectric I rami 3.PASISENGER AND FREIÇ;IIT CALitS 2A-1LTN312-î1 Ii ished, original teost$15aa l1 Ilcarrnage, original cnSt, $35. ote.- Il lition. No raoal offer rfuset<1. V- fl FGURESKATES 0l C1nadiai lub.Sise S eat'lr,.i i