r Fe Vatbwr aMd son Mhrs Tes G)oves -* Scarfs -Shoes -Slippers -Rubbers 'Iffl Folds -Handkerchiefs - Pajamas - Sweaters - Hose- IMuiers 2 Garters -Suspenders. Dresse Aprons Hosiery Lingerie - Gloves Scarfs ýSlippers'- Shoes - aloshies - Hand- kerchiefs -Sweaters -Perfu mes. IO? £the CbUldren Forthe110aby Scarf, Sels- Mittens Gloves - Sweaters Blanlcets - Creepers Dresses - Suits Shoe - Slippers IRompers - Mittens - Sleeping Bags G aloshes Sicepers Pajanias. '- Kimonos- Bootieg. 1193 WII..*t. Across Frornéo DEPAItTMENT STORE WU..effe 1914 igeIhl WiImette lias NE VER VET purchased sufficient- Christmoas Séals to carry on. its tuberculosis campaign. This year-LEt'S GO OVER THE TOP! Christmîas Seal Coinniiittee, Wilmette I-ealth Cetîter. Albert A. McIýKelghant, chairinan Mrs. Frank Adams, ptë4ldetnt th", .Woman's Clah of Wilmnette '%r.s. IHenry W. i>rueker. )tidit Soclation Mise,. Thonias .- Gbbn, iliCit the Woniani's ( :1.Io1ic <1-11 Hlerbert B. Mulford Mm .Wendelin, 'Senig George K .Scherzer C. G. Snith, D.D.S. on ot the Avoca (DiMstrict hyv the state anîd county. anisiS low sponsored Il%-thePll- thea socicty of --vourng onicil iin th(. MVilnette Parish Metlîodist chureh. If yoiu wotid like tO etertai#n oli or, mlore of this Lgrotp ini- vourhomet on (.lrstiNday colluniunjekate «,I. Once with Mrs. Roy L. IHaýkill. Wij mette 700-N~I, who is nîakiîîg tlw as1ý sigilinetîts. Cal! today! l'ie chlidren I ill bc brolut 'l',î .Wilnîtte ibrougli the. coutu1tù, the North. Shore lue, aidtaken î 1bte Wimct Village liai! (li-i1 na fionirig at 10 o'clock. whîcrei ù1lic v ivill bué parceleci oît, to Ille hot f.111 ilies'Ihev %ý*iIl returu to La , lw Jtiifï vin thle Northî Shore li le iat 'Iln. hetnrettiili.iglîildren -'ire Chiarles Cetila ........... ... i Mry DT)eWitt . .............I Janice Franklin................. 13tt4y Lou -Frankli..... Esther Kransbtýrg ....... Rose Kransberg ............... Oscar Kubbe............. Dan Luca.s................ Ito lc.Manti'I...............4 Edwin Miller....... , iet rating givei.. %vas n- sweekl. Sears Sckool Ptzils 'inete eve te nrt to Dramatize Story tiolî of' that coniunîiiitv as L W - The Store of the. Chulstma.s Spirit S.. Our TOYLAND Eleetrie Lighted Atlas Globe. . . .......'* ' $6.95 Other Rand McNalIy Globes POPUlarly priced. -----.. - -----îuuîed ye stecrajayV I>V 2 s~IUi~ it was explaitied. . Iobinisonl, art supervi .sor. wlio is (Ji- Tîtese ratings are checked evcrv ycar rc n i rdciniiCfjtw o by. state and cotiny atuthorities. rith iss Marareut Dvvpnt. i Mr. and lfrs. Edward Thormas oi sc Suilpervisor. 1130 Chestnut avelnue hav~e iovcd to Thec ast f(olos: Evanston and their hotise bas been Re,.dC r...................IîeSmI taken by the George F. Getz, Jrs Mry............ .1raceScemlpp ______joseph___......__...........ELarI Boornian, i I ~Kt:ii4 - AU-tri 4ibert, Paul oney t I j I