,L L S Ail Noe Stock Sherdy Drums l4trong, handsomne drumsi an polir....... ... 9 Uo.cletrically reduced V Cý C.wby Gon Se# Hoieter and boit are miade of re 'al leather, wlth 8 make- belleve bullets, and un Prieed speclly at Agroup of Vary et- our reguler stock. some ère .ely oneV t6.Y lest lliey Moe AI lu olfered at 25% off. doll houasu set ta». Rej prlced et1 HURRYIBM PRUPARED An attvective s»f with 8 11<3* oops witli .eoo aspt amgenuils. Mazda buibo. slow LIgIht The new vo&ue li Christma" ligbt- Ing. Witii 8 mazda lamps. .......9 C Tan» -prnf D ~L~7O %off I/A 'Stre Open, Vat*,I6P. M. Christmas Eve