fessor of art .at the University of1 Chicago. hield in the North Shore Art leag.ue ,;tudio at \Vin- netka Community I-buse, a. week ago Siîniday-. under the auspices. of the league. Tuie -lecture, the second of a series, wvas also tbec occasion for the opein o asmal cîlp.n-e---ndDicite ~hbà ion by league meinbers. Stereopticon sglides o;f fine examples of inedieval *architecture,>of medieval -seuliture aud, painting illustrated Mr. Shapley',, talk. Artists vere cou.- trolled by guild,.s.exept in the emuplov' of royalty. *when they were freed'of tliese restrictions, NMr- Shapley said. Standards, of workmnanship and the quality of rnaterials were sÉaînitaiined by guild rulings and fine as'these were they sonieb.inies re- *sulted in'over-conservatisin, and a lackc of initia- tive and pi7ogreas. Guild membership also meant opportunities for sociability, political influence, and in some cases' death benefits, Mr. qhapley brought out. ~Mar-oet' 4halls.- gw*i all, town his. ~;granrie>. and iaIN beifries wure built by these organization, as they hecanie wealthy and influential, and it wa-s *tiwse buildings that Mr. Shapley pictured in the slides. In the league exhibition, whiçh is oie display December 12 to 24, are a group of etchings l>Y Allen Philbrick, several pieces of sculpturing ini beautifully grained wood by Emil Zettier, and three of Helen Balfour Morrisoni's finest character photographs, in addition to a considerable selec- H-arriet tKeith dsp aida 111 pailiting 0f 'iKen- ilworth Station" ii smart livelv color, and Joscphi Nash vas rep)rented b1.ý whlat seced lu he striking and loveiv- eolored %vood blocks. There appeared. here agalit ue of biis favorite subject,. a liglithouse. tntitled -Ligit at North Trtiro,* also "Quy 'ète-lrge., and 'lie Cottage" Aies.Gr 'rqe T. Mllen. .4(01 io'de,l7,i wcc,' Glenacoe, a Senior ai DePatizv it'ersity, sang in tire"Mnesih"' prerr'd Sîmfwyý, ferrimber 12, ini Bowman gynasiuna ai Greenicastie, lmd., by a chorifs of 200 r-ics The chorus. accompanied by the DePauw Univer- sity Symphony orchestra, with -Dr. Van I)enman Thompson at the orgati. was uinder the baton of Pro- fessor B. W. .Bergethon. Miss Mullen, a soprano, is no'w home from col- lege for thic Christmas' vacation. and wvhile she is hçere is to niake three appearances. january 2, NVlmette Solomst WV.ns PPukmrIîty in Michigan 1-ardin VanI> eurs, n oi Mr NIand NI r,. Charles Vani Deursen, 1101 Forest avenue, pro- fessor of voice at Alion coljcge. .Albion \Micli., received soine verV laud(a.torv . criticisnm iin the Ami Arbor N'eis followiiig bis appearaice as baritone in "Thec Creation.," presented I)ecernhler l5 ini a No holiday seasont would be comipletc wvithlout the presenitatÎin. of the C'hristmas oratorio, Han- del's "The i\essiahi." b%. the Apollo. Musical Cluib of Chicago, as5isted by the Chicago Sy-niph)IOIIî orchestra. The concert will lie giveii1thtis vear ai 8:115 ýo'clock Mondav .cveing, Deccinh er 27. i111 Orchestra *Hall in Chicago, andý singing wî l t!t chorus will be a unnher pf north shore peopj>l:. Mrs. Earl C. Moss of. keifflwQrth isin charge of the second alto section of the choruis. and alni 'othCr nieiniberof the )gaizatîin 1, Mis:s E'riia Rounds- of Chicago'.,(irector. of inusic for. the First Presbytcrian, churcli of Wihnietie. 'sinigilng ini the oratorio ncxt Wveek, also, will bIe M is Katherinie Leal,'Miss 1El.izal>eth Stierwood. Miss EIizàbethi, Breidenil>.c h. Miss 1 Nsa Carilin, an Paul \Vetneklasen. alif l o imeî.ad Mrs.. wvard - H. Krtcger' aid . '. 1M\orri-% of igll Park. "~The AMessiall" rcceive<1 ts firsi performnce it the new iiiiisic hall in Fishainbie.sî4rýeet in Iul: APril. 1742-. We are told thbat so.great was thle de mand for tickets the ladies . evrc requlested b t corne without hoop)s atid gentIvllemnw'îlîouî swords, dmfreby afftordtrg !,eâtttïgc«-iaùdt\- forà hundred more people thani it %vouild tir.eb possible to accortnmo(latc. The Dublin performnaiice %as moon du lica t t'l at Covent Giarden, I.ondfon, and( there foilo..(ve, succession of first performatices li theit gruear-*l" of the world, .amnong thein Chlica,,o. is ,rirý t per- formnance here is flot recorded but certai i t i tijat the Oratorio socicty with I lanls B îa.a director gave it a ninhiier of iî. in flic- 1800",.. Following t.he great Chiicago lire oi 1871. îî basgienthis %vork one or more, performanjjce.s inaswer to a conltillui.ng pubjimturest and ele- mand. Concert soloist, and WILMETTB ILIFE