atmospheFeý for the. wedding9 of Migss Ruth (Patsy) ,,Eleanor' Boylston, daugbt'r, of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williami Boylston, 220 Broadway avenue, and Ed- ward Woodruff Gibbs, son of Mrs. 0. R. Gibbs of Seattle, Wasb., Iast Saturday afternoon. Twvo large bowls. of white chrys- anthenmums were the simple decoration in Ille beautiful new St. Atbanasius church ini Evanston where the cere- mony was performed at 3:30 o'clock by the Rev. John Dussman of Glen- view. Followingthe ceremony a recep- tion was beld at Shawnee Country club, and here the clecorations where white chrysanthemrums combined with, IUC euuiig ? 1SS lazel Kraft (>f Wilinctte and .j\rt1jjjj L. Ejies, sonof M Ar. .111(j rs IFre(ICrick C. iers of 730> Siieriilaii road(, final.preimij ; p)arties arc bcing given. f'e>the.i b)ridIe and ibridegroolli.. The marriagc %vili1tk place at 4,30 o'clock NWedntes'davý, I)ectilwr .29, at the home 'of thle biesprns NMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kraft. 123(' Greenwood Iaveiiie,. andl l ' ol- loivcd by a recepu ion. friday evening. I)eceml>er 17. Ni rý and Mrs. Robert .-Alexand(er of 1 .V- ai ston 1and lIr. àand Mnirs. f(rri.; Lyles of Wilmettc entcrtainc<l foi- Miss Kraft and.'M\r, Filers, and \Ved- nesday evening, December 22,.. Mrs. Roger Groif of 923 Grccffleaf. v nlue Wilnete j;j$ Iisio. teS, tMrlge party for th(- bride. The Misses Ruth and Stélla Truska of Wilin ette gave adinner party for .Miss Kraft, Ttue.sdav:evennani uext Monday nigit -\Ir,,. G. IIwr Kraft of Evanston is to have lir spinster diinner at lier home. That saine eveining, AhIo F. e.- 1cr of Evaniston, the best inail. will entertain at a I)achiclor dinner at hi1' home for Mr. Kraft. Thie parties <*nd oIi of Ls and ^ 0K -E vanston. -Mrs. r marriage was Heleîi Stimura( bla e iez Izvffston and Gibbç,. is file son Aid. in Sponsorship of Play About Chicago ,Mrs. Reid R Bre'ison, regent of Fort Dearborn chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, is one WILMBTTF LIPP