holiday luncheon meeting at 12. mon Wednesday, December 29, at the, Wonan's University club in the Fine Arts building in Chicago .Miss Emily Carlisle, president of the north shore al umnae, will preside. Al Alpha Phi's home from college chap- tets elsewhere, and alumnae wisbing -n opportunity to see old friends "with the grcatest of ease" are urged to niake- reservations at once with Mrs. Parry Owens, 732 Reba place, Evanston, the luncheon chairmnan for the north shore group. Several .groups are planning to at'- tend a matinee after the luncheon, and others will remain at the club for bridge. iistricai Society Wlseum.- The announcement o pan i made by -Mrs. Thomas C.- Gray- of Evanston, the chapter's president. . The children will be ciriven to the society's halls, assembling there at 2 o'clock. Until 5, they will be taken back in imagination through the> years of America's history. 10f special appeal, perhaps, will be the Chicago and Illinois exhibits, part of which is a real covered wag- on. Some of i lie children have al- ready indicated that the Lincoln col- lection. will be a center of intest,. an~d the Thorne miniature roonis and the dioramas will fascinate others. Houston Hayward of Evanston is chairman of the junior Group of thé. C.A. R. . D. iOIO[[fl ibt Uniillir ar4.e rdoy oo, December 11, Mrs. Wilfred R eaor tuas Miss jeannette Louise Iiollister. Site is tihe daugh 1cr of Mrs. Clark Hollister of Evanstopi, formerly of. W ilmetcte.. Thse br>ide zwore orchids, zvitiste suit in» which tse zas mar- ried. Aflter tise cercmony a lunch-. con for 16 guesîs was served 1i the Ilnilister home. two-hour entertailun with- aba 1;is>ii rkr (lussrllurieal before about 1,500i persons itoriumi of the ýState Ilisti- thre Insane at Dunnming. A ierformiance wvas giveli as cut. Eacb was. prcsented ,illed with Christmas re- S, .including .douglintts. candiéd fruit, guin, and Mr.i Siefkin marriage Siefkip [O 4. 4 WILMETTE LIFE