Ph.UlN IICKSON, WU..t.40U New Year's Ev. Parlyl 5-PIECE ORCHESTRA PLENTY 0F FREE FAVORSI Corne over and join the-: party! We're famo'us for our mixed drinks, horne cooking, and home ai- mosphere. Sdiack's Brown Derby On Waukeg a u oad-24 Yards' n ortb off Demupwter Street. Telepbone, Morton urove 2274 ,%0 aBSEIIVATIONS .-1 yo COVEJR CHARGIE LINK AND PAMILY and ailithe 'boys and girlt4 at botb plares 1* is eus' sincere wisk ih*t ypur Hoiday ~Seas.. Re Happy and Pirasant land Y oung. Julie Lang. L.ouise H-o- Ivick. Cailtor is ut bis beSt in ibis muisical e\travagauztla and thle other parts are wVell banidled. Ali- Baba. Jr.. applirslits. etterpretation of the Je Xe1»Ial ýto tbe political sîtuatiotis lie finds ili iks dreain countr%. 'rhe direction i'ý Swift atnd the phiotog- rapbv excellent Backin usCfrcuatom V 'a r in e r Brothers.) Direrteil by Rav 1Enirigbt. with Joani Blonid4li. Pat O'Bri-tn. Margaret Linîdsay. and jobun Lite!. There is pletnty of action and good ConîieIv iii. this, inelodraina. sbiowisig the power of the press iii rnifluenc;ng the ouitcorne of inurder ýtrials. The pioutr vowunin reporter's' irelessef- forts bri,îg abolitthe acquittai <of the Dccuscd d man Frank florzage. witb Luise Raluier. Spenîcer Tracy, and Charles Grape- witi. Narfarc 1lwtWveeni independ-et and (I)rga,,iie(l taxi drivers and tbt effeci rponhbornes and farnlilies of those involv cd is the tlherne of ibis rnIco(Irarna. The fakec acculsatio)n andi tbretttened deportation oif the for- eign-horti %-i fe. the racketceringl niethocls enifloln.d t. -.c roii 1 ft. [Vrherî M arN.mallu .virc1 Blr.Goo<I livchiy cutertaini cut J y iffotind ini ibis farce wilîihtelfs (of hIe rfraiinof 'flic dirtuken' yotuîg lhvad of Ille Bla;ir shippinig hître~s.'l'lie wOrk of Eric' More and tof tle dog. >e; i p- il icttioned. igbt lot, holds the audiences' inter- est througbout. andi is' bigbly enter- tainifig. The Ritz .brotbers (utdo tbemseles Iand Nat, as an Indian football player, t urns in Ibis*tisutal fille elbaracterizatio. Music for Madamme. (RKO.u direct- ed b% John Blystone, with Nino Nlar- tini, Alan Mowbray, Joan Fontaine. Pre- viewers have recoin- mended this musical comiedy h i gbh1y as charming and whole- sorne entertainnient for the farnily, The music is eecially noteworthiv and IMart ii's actitiv Cv. [1-4c SU dialogue g( consi.,.tvnt .ind mile Zola. ijVIrlitvr 1 Patil MIuni and ut. In ont. ouilie ýictures. the \\"ariier pionceCrs inimnv mi (IciiI tn alut' sI> 1$ 11011e CAkedut rsea. ird Ir Mhon that o. ofSoanetling to, 3ing About. w silip National.) Directed by V'ictor hr tir.- i iln g c r1- 1 t b *rge ~~j a inie Çwc ie AEvcîvu1%;1;-- 1 -1,-w 1' Jba, Yest of Bank) 5trrn -s-) Starring ý7ill-ÇOn. joail