MuslIc praFtice prirllegé. WInn. 846 LA R GOE, Pt.EÂSANTZ BEAUTIFI room. 2 blocloe froni transportation. Hubbard Woods,. For 1 oor 2. Prefer business people. Wlnnetka 209. ,' 116L33-lttp LOVELY FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE; home. Excellent nelghborhood, near taanaportaton. Sultable for 1 or 2.. Un-' usual.opportunity. ehone Wlnnetkft 31M9 110LTN33-1tu ROOM FOR RENT Kenlworth 4767 S11LaI. CHEERFUL FRONT ROOM Fi 3.Twln bede. Bath adjoi ig. block to ail trains.1 LARGE ROOM F1OR RENT. 31 t»EIM Street Station. Cal idil it 1 ý '1 m2..1n] R 1 OR g. Ga- nnetka rý.- .n 1 MINIMUYM DOWN PAYXME.NT. Balance amortized over i 5-year perlod at -the rate of $7.91 per thousand per month, lncludisig Interest at 5%. For Evanston HOLC llst Cal SHORIE TOWNS REA1,TY CORPORATION Evanstow Contract Sales ýBrokers Home Owners, Loan Corp. dre. 2700 Rog. Pk. 66.16 Wil. 608, INKrNIIIWORTH EAST SII>E - MODERN - BRICK - COLONIAL, 75 FT. WDED. LOT, 3 BDRMS., HTD. SLP. PC!!,, 2%~ BATHS, LGE. CAR BRK. UAR., NR. SCULS., TRANSP. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SOMEONE AT $18,000. TuIE BILLtS REAI4TY, hIl. 529 Davis St., Evanston Greenlefif 1166 Wllmette 3740 147LTN3.1-lic Sublease Bargain. ATTRAC~TIVE BRICK< COLONIAL. Large living room wlth firepiace. heated suit room. . 3 bedrooms al with cro~ss ventilation, 2 baths, -2- 921 Main St., Evanstosi, re. 4880 147LTS'33-Ite lui FOR SALE-VACANT HIGHLAND PARK NOW IS THE TIME TO DU Y IN Il [OH- land Park before prices adivance further. We have complete of vacant and almo houses, ineluding soine real buys. 'MURRAY & TERRY Highland Park 69 FINE BUILDING SITE Near lake aud elevated. Bargal». R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave. Willmette 444 15ILTN33-1ltc FOR SALE BY OWNEIt: -)x2i.-j FT, lot on 1Sth St., Willnette. East front. Ail a-usensments and taxes paid. $2,500 for quick sale. University 8320. 15ILTN31-4tp ton., ziLN$-t CHJLD'S. RED 'COAT, HAT ANI nuff, size 12, perfect condition., Also 3-piece ski suit, navy. blue trimmiredwith red, e4ize 12. AIse Magie coal, electrie- firefflace grate with Gio-bar heatlng at- ta(hmiients. Wilmette 2213. I 73L3 3-lt» SKI1S - NE W . PROFESSIONAL xodel-harness and ski poles; guitar. uniused .6 string ýauditoriumn type. SlngI.e bed, Perfect condition.ý Kenilworth 4571 evenings only. .173LTN33-1ip LEICA G. 1/1000 SEC. ZEISS BINOCU- lar, and gorgeous white fox. Especlal- ly reasonable. Winnetka 1865. 174 WTD. TO UU-UI*CUJ.ANEOU Juîîk Dealer Goidman WILL BUY TOUR BOOKS, MAGA- ines, papers, rags, furniture and pay 4*tit riiarke4 orices. CaltW4i-546 -or &UIJ TO ~to* iii. Lot al, 421 floor. rans- ;TATE, FOUR oul heat, per- ids beautifufly ýlent transpor- M1ay rent fur- if -desired. ful ', A T 1744LT.33- 1tp Ail OpponentTeam Is Chosen by N. U. Gridders The Al-Opponent team sceccted by Sorthwestern university's footbal