Tenth Street and Central Avenue WIL»IETTH, ILLiNois Sunday Services-i i a.m. Wednesday-Testimonial Meeting-Sý p.m. Sunday School Exercse".945 am December 269 1937 Subject: CHIRISTIAN SCIENCEý, READING ROOM-a 133 Centrap Avenue Opena Daaly (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P.. M. WedndaY 9 A- M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturdiy 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Worke of Mary Baker Eddy, andul al other authoriued Christian .tiebe Literu iyI eâ ter1me -or pmk*xw 1uttheRedleg-Ruum TU& IUILIC ta C0RDt*LLY I?4VrTUP TO £T1'ukW TRI CEiJECU uM&VICE ANDE VOUTTUE flADINO PÀ)M IF S2740 I Te Centrals*. Fruit Car 1717 OckAve.j Uni. 8182I Gre. 8797 EVANSTON 542 The nlew programn, the asscssor dec-. clareil, will 'reduce 'to«n importanit dégrée, theo tax rate fûr ail propecrty in Cook> county. He empbiasized the point that the increased revenue re- sulting froni assessmnlt of intangi- bles must be used to reduce the tax- and not spent for other purposes. Mr. Clark took "issue with certain groups who mnaintain- that bis new policy will drive wealhb out of the county. He reniarked that the big majority of states have state incomhe taxes, while many others have uni- fôrni tax laws. 'the taxpayer would gain nothinig by moving his legal residence to une of tbese other states, hie declared. He puinted out that the New York state income tax, wbicb lias been in effect for several years. 'las nôt causc eàlwéi Iol Icaveèiiit state. "Ait -of us- know," he told the real- tors present, "that the valuation of *land, pluas the reproduction costs of' the improvements. minus depreciation by years does flot. establish the true value of réal estate.", The amounit of income reccived f rom the property is highly important ini settilng thel %;aluation on real estate, lie declared. ýan Miller wasi tions and will c. The next tc 4ve une copy hoes" aniual pj or class jý;i,-noi- impiIr, iui (.r ,y avenuce: 'Milton Sbapiro, 23.1.Gena, vne Richa~rd Shapire, 401 Cregory avenue. Ludwig Skog..13%5-î7th ttroct; Tw- ehl Snorf,,ahd.Virginta Snorf. 717 l1*,ni- wood avenue : Lorna Tidemnaàn, 1025 Lin-, den avenue; Don-ild T>epe.120,0 PElniond avenue, flobet Turgemn, 17041 Lake avenue. Mirion W%%ilkin), 220 LAIn- den avenuie: ('ariblne Callowvay. !20 Linden. aeu;Fak 'lyr 3 Nlinth, street ._ohn- Dalton.qî, 12ý9 1et tnt avenue. James Dona 'hue, and laM;ry thnahué. 907 ElmIrwtood avenue; Don'ld r»Ilg. I111 Greeneaf avenue - ?l.mer Erick4son, 21 r -Tth street; Rolxwrt i ~'î. 910 (O ak- wood avenue: Oenrme (e,.1701b; IVaI. nut avenue: David Haam, 62T Park ave- nue; Martha Hu«f. 10f; WaitiIington ave- nue. MKqreHth ~,1~1 pt.*neer avenue,. Jack Jacobi. 9q34 Shg-ridan ýroad; Vl lia", Katz,- 415 lVashingti>n, aveue; cordon Kelth. 222 Nintha stri.,t.:Rih ard Kent, 225 Minth strect Eberi Knoop, 224 Wood -ztreet. David Kat.tr 0 ÇOalçwood avene Peggy Lively, 1511? eentral avenue; Tom Lively, 1511 Central avenue; D)on- ald ItlhIett, and John Miliet, ()20 Chest- mit avenue; Charies 'Mor.vau, 1507 IVal- nut avenue- Porrest Noblé, .576 Flfth street; Helen Prese<.tt, 1025 Linden ave- nue; Richard Prt'svott 1031 (Ire-enwood avenue; Frankc lù.nd.ill, and John Rn dall, 912-l2th .itreët. Local Quints Wili -years ()' 1-4w 1I ier wiven the iwo teams cla p High Werdnesday evening of next week.1 xeek. contest is to be played at the latt 31, sub- gymi; starting time 8 o'clOck. Therc he first to be a general admission charge. il! eachi According to advance publicity year's tices, WVest Allis will Present one of (if the strongest hailing fromi Wisconsin. * the lO-inan squad which will makie oremiain-journey -sx ejuiors, four sei y Har- 1 This makes the two teainî ev.l n t I I